このように親の離婚が子どもの一生を左右することもあり得るのです。たとえ幼い頃の離婚体験であっても、年頃になってからの女子にその影響が遅延 効果となって現れるケースも指摘されています。人間不信から恋愛も結婚もうまくいかない、一生結婚せずに仕事に生きるという価値観を強く持つ、などがその 例です。
If you really cannot avoid your divorce, you should put effort to minimize emotional trauma for your child.
Like her case, divorce of parents could affect their children's lives tremendously. Even if it is happened in her infancy, it still could affect and shadow her life after she grow up, like many study said.
For instance, having distrust for others by experience the divorce of the parents would keep her away from making intimate relationship, also not value marriage but career
If you're in the situation and you do think it's inevitable, please put your best effort to protect your child's heart from traumatized.