Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] *Throbbing pain on his left knee (N told me that U is not able to walk, and N...

Original Texts
* 左足の膝にズキズキするような感覚(Nいわく、Uは歩けない状態。でも彼女は足の痛みに心当たりはない)
* 吐き気(薬を飲んでいてその副作用の影響が大きいように感じました)(Nいわく、Uは薬を服用しているが吐いておらず吐き気があるかは分からない)
* 下腹部が重く感じる
* 思考はハッキリしている(Nいわく、Uは動きを目で追ったりすることがなく、意識があるのかどうかすら分からない)
* 肛門付近の不快感(Nいわく便があまり出ず、出るときに鳴くが不快のせいかは分からない) 左胸に熱くなるような感覚、両前足の先(右足は掌の下、手首の上のあたり。左足はヒトでいうと指の辺り)の痛み

Uは肉体的にはきついけれど、とても気丈で、精神的には強靭な感じが伝わってきました。またこの時、U以外にもう1頭の犬の存在を感じました。Uと暮らしているのか尋ねると、そうではなく(U宅には今他にワンちゃんはいなさそう)、Uをあちらの世界からサポートしている犬のようでした。 その犬は以前N宅で一緒に過ごしたことがあるような感覚と、ヨークシャテリアのような、茶色と黒の長毛でウニコちゃんより小さな(メスの?)ワンちゃんの映像を受け取りました。その子とUはいつもコンタクトをとっている、とのこと。(Nいわく、彼女がこれまでに飼った犬はUのみで、その犬が誰なのか思い当たらない) Uは意志がとても強く、こうと決めたらとことんやり抜くタイプ。誰にでも人懐っこく振舞うことはなく、知らない人や初めての人とは距離を置く。N宅では、リーダーとして家族をまとめる役割、統率役に使命を感じている。(Nいわく、Uがいなければ家族の間に会話はないと思う。) * ピョンピョンと後ろ足で跳ねて前足で降りるような、ちょうど馬が跳ねる時のような映像を受け取り、「前によくやっていたわ」という声が聞こえました。(Nいわく、小鹿のような動きをすることが以前あった)
* ドライブ (ブルーの4人乗りのセダンの映像を受け取りました。)
*甘い食べ物が好きなよう。 (白くて丸く、お餅のように柔らかくて甘そうなものの映像を受け取りました)
* Nの手作りご飯 (彼女は柔らかくて色々なものが入っているものが好き。焼き魚の映像も受け取りました)
Translated by zhizi
*Throbbing pain on his left knee (N told me that U is not able to walk, and N does
not know what causes the pain.)
*A feeling of nausea (which I think largely induced by a side effect of medicine from
U has been taking) (According to N, U has been under medication and has never
thrown up. However, N doesn’t know whether or not N has been feeling sick.)
*A heavy feeling in the abdomens
*U seems to be able to think clearly (N mentioned that U doesn’t even follow things
with the eyes, so N can’t figure out whether or not U is conscious.)
*Perianal discomfort (According to N, U does not have bowel movements so much,
and when she does, she cries. N is not sure that’s because U has perianal
Other physical pains include a burning feeling in the left chest and pains in the bottom ends of both front legs (ex. the right paw, little above from the right wrist, left toes).
U currently seems to have been experiencing physically a very difficult time, but I sensed that she is very courageous and mentally strong. At the same time, I sensed that there is another dog around him. I asked if the dog is living with U, and I found out that it was not. (U seems to be the only dog at the house.) It appears to me that the dog is supporting U from the other world.
I sensed that the dog used to have lived together with U at the N’s house, and I also received an image of a (female?) dog which is similar to a yorkshire terrier with brown and black long hair, and is little bit smaller than Uniko-chan. It seems that the doggy and U have been contacting each other all the time. (According to N, U is the only dog she ever has, and she has no idea about the dog.)
U has a strong will, and she does thoroughly what she decides to do. She is not friendly to everybody, and she distances herself from strangers and people whom she meets for the first time. She feels responsible for bringing the family together as the leader at the N’s house. (N told me that if U was not there with the family, the family members would not talk to each other.)
*I received an image in which U jumps with her rear legs and lands with front legs, just like a horse does. I also heard her saying, “I used to do that often.” (N said that U did sometimes move like a young dear does.)
*Drive (I received an image of a blue sedan for 4 passengers.)
*U seems to like sweet food. (I received an image of a food that is sweet, round, white and soft as rice cake.
*N’s home-made meals (U loves soft food with various ingredients. I also received an image of broiled fish.)

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
zhizi zhizi