Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Native Japanese ] And then Herodes was seized by {love} of history, when Nicolaus praised this ...

Original Texts
And then Herodes was seized by {love} of history, when Nicolaus praised this as most statesman-like, and useful to a king, so that he could examine the deeds and achievements of former men. The king was enthusiastic about it, and encouraged Nicolaus to take up the task of history-writing. Nicolaus set about the task in grand style. He gathered together the whole of history, and expended greater effort on it than anyone else. After a long time he completed this labour of love, saying that if Eurystheus had given it to Heracles as one of his tasks, it would have exhausted Heracles. After this, Herodes sailed to Rome to meet Caesar; he took Nicolaus with him in the same boat, and they philosophised together.
Translated by 3_yumie7
それからヘロデが歴史「愛好」に捕えられた時、彼は以前の部下の行動や業績を吟味することができるため、ニコラウスはこれを最も政治家にふさわしく王に役に立つ事として賞賛した。王はこれに大変乗り気でニコラウスに歴史執筆の仕事に着手するよう励ました。ニコラウスは荘重な文体で仕事に取り掛かった。彼は全体の歴史を収集し、他の誰よりも大きな努力を払って仕事を行なった。長い時間をかけて彼はこの愛着のある仕事を完成し、 エウリュステイスがこれをヘラクレスに1つの仕事として与えていたらヘラクレスを疲労困憊させていただろうと述べた。この後ヘロデはカエサルに会うためローマに向け出港した。彼はニコラウスを同じ船に乗せ、長い時間哲学的議論を交わした。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7