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[Translation from Japanese to English ] The conventional way of professional whitening treatment has an advantage tha...

Original Texts
しかし、この製品Aにおいては、その心配はありません。知覚過敏などの不快な症状はほとんど出現せず、高い漂白効果が得られることを実感しました。 この漂白効果は“すりガラス様”ではなく、歯本来の自然な色調が表現できるものです。製品Aにおいてのキーワードは“高い安全性”と“自然な白さの実現”ということが言えます

従来のオフィスホワイトニングでは、高濃度の過酸化水素を主体とする漂白材が用いられてきました。しかし、「ピレーネ」は低濃度過酸化水素と二酸化チタンの混合液に特定の波長の光を照射することで、過酸化水素と光触媒との反応により発生した活性酸素が汚染された色素成分を分解し、漂白効果を発揮するものです この低濃度過酸化水素はわずか3.5%、従来品の1/10の濃度であるために極めて安全であることがもっとも良い特長です。この濃度は消毒用の過酸化水素と同程度であるので、製品Aが歯肉に付着しても問題はないと考えます。また、光触媒機能を有する二酸化チタンにおいても、食品添加物や歯磨き粉にも使用されている安全・無害な物質です。
これらの特長により、製品Aでは、処置中や処置後の疼痛や知覚過敏がみられず、患者さんの負担を大幅に低減することができます。 また製品AはpH6.0と中性に近く、その結果エナメル質をほとんど傷めずに漂白できることから、歯そのものの“自然な白さ”に漂白が可能です。治験の報告書では、1週間ごと3回繰り返し漂白を行うことを推奨し、最終漂白後24週間の観察では後戻りは殆どないといわれています
Translated by jasmine8
The conventional way of professional whitening treatment has an advantage that teeth are surely whitened in a short time, however it also has some disadvantages that gum must be strictly protected during a treatment, patients feel pain during/after a treatment, and some symptoms of sensory sensitivity might appear. There seem to be a very high bar for us to introduce it in clinical practice as it takes a great deal of strain on patients.
This product called A, however, brings no concerns about it all. It is realized that unpleasant symptoms such as sensory sensitivity are hardly caused and a high whitening effect is obtained.
The whitening effect of the Product A is nothing like the color of "frosted glass", instead it shows natural color of teeth. The keywords for the Product A are "safe and secure" and "realization of natural color of white".

-Mechanism of Product A
The conventional teeth whitening uses bleach which mainly contains high-concentrated hydrogen peroxide water. Instead, "Pyrenees" makes a whitening effect when specific wavelength is irradiated to mixed liquid of low-concentrated hydrogen peroxide water and titanium dioxide, and then active oxygen generated by the reaction between hydrogen peroxide water and photocatalyst decomposes the polluted pigment composition.
Concentration of this low-concentrated hydrogen peroxide water is only 3.5%, which is one tenth of the conventional products, and its best feature is that it is extremely safe. Its concentration is same as that of the hydrogen peroxide water used for disinfection, and we believe that there is no problem even if the Product A is attached to gum. Also titanium dioxide, which has photocatalytic function, is safe and secure that is used for food additives and tooth paste.
Product A with these features does not cause any pain nor sensory sensitivity during/after a whitening treatment and it drastically reduces a strain for patients.
In addition, the Product A is almost neutral with a pH of 6.0. As a result, teeth whitening is possible with giving little damage to enamel and it enables "natural color of white" of teeth themselves. The report of a clinical trial says that repeating once-a-week teeth whitening three times is recommended and 24-week monitoring after the last whitening shows the whitened teeth hardly returns to its original color.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
jasmine8 jasmine8