eBay File Exchange の使用方法を教えてください。
私はeBayのリスティングツール File Exchange の使用方法を教えてくれる人を探している。
第三者に依頼されて File Exchange を使ってeBayへ商品をリストしたことのある人。
File Exchange でeBayへリストする一部始終の手順を教えてほしい。
動画に加えてテキストで File Exchange の使用方法を丁寧に私に教えてくれてる方。
I am looking for someone to tell me how to use eBay's listing tool, File Exchange.
Someone who has listed an item on eBay using File Exchange, requesting a third party.
I would like for you to teach me all the ins and outs of listing on eBay with File Exchange.
Someone who will kindly teach me how to use File Exchange with videos and text.
I am looking for someone who can instruct me with eBay`s listing tool File Exchange.
I`d like someone with a third-party experience listing items on eBay using File Exchange.
A complete account from the beginning to the end of item listing on eBay through File Exchange usage.
Someone who can direct me through a detailed Instructional video with text on File Exchange
まずはあなたの実績を教えてください。 出来れば日本人に雇用され、 File Exchange を使いeBayへアイテムを
File Exchange の使用方法を動画とテキストを使い私に教えてください。
I would like a Japanese person living overseas.
Please teach me using videos and text how to use File Exchange.
You will create the videos and text and then send that data to me.
Japanese living in foreign countries are also preferred.
Please direct me through a instructional video with text for File Exchange`s usage
Please make this video yourself.
If possible we would like a person who has worked for a Japanese person, and who has used File Exchange to list items on eBay.
A Japanese person living overseas would be even more desirable.
Please use text and video to tell me how to use File Exchange.
The video and text should be created by you. Please send the data to me.