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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Spending time with my batchmates during the accelerator program helped me for...

Original Texts
Spending time with my batchmates during the accelerator program helped me forge many great friendships. We spent days and nights together at the office, giving each others a hand, courage, or just a compliment to make the day better. After I got ripped apart at one of my investment meetings, a batchmate said to me, “Don’t worry, he’s just another a-hole or stupid”. It really makes you feel better knowing you are not going through this alone. For many teams who didn’t have an office before, 500 Startups is probably the first time that they can have their team all sitting together in one place. Better yet, many of us live together in the same building or apartment, making it the a great opportunity to spend time with each other. However, we had to avoid the trap of turning into workaholics. Something I admit was hard for me. At the end of the day, you’re building the company not by building the product but by building the people who will grow the company together with you. This post is dedicated to all of my batchmates, 500 Startups’ staff, Christine Herron, Marvin Liao, Jun Li, Maneesh, Deepak, Dave, Christine Tsai, George, Max, Melissa, and everyone!

If you believe you can be the “next big thing”, 500 Startups’ Batch 007 is now open for application.

This post first appeared on Thuy’s personal blog as Things I Wish I Knew When I Joined 500 Startups.
Translated by oier9
事務所を持っていなかった多くのチームにとって、皆が一堂に会することができたのは500 Startupsがおそらく初めてだろう。さらに都合のいいことに、ほとんどがおなじ建物やアパートに住むことで、お互い一緒に時間を過ごせる絶好の機会が生まれる。しかし、仕事中毒になってしまう罠は回避しなければいけない。認めるというのは私にとって難しいことだった。一日が終わるころには、製品を作るのではなく、会社を一緒に成長させる人との関係を築くことで、会社を作っているのだ。
この記事を、私のすべてのなかまクラスメート、500 Startupsのスタッフ、Christine Herron氏、 Marvin Liao氏、 Jun Li氏、 Maneesh、 Deepak、 Dave、 Christine Tsai氏、 George、 Max、 Melissa、そしてみなさんに捧げます!

「次の大物」になるのは自分かもしれないと思っているなら、500 Startups’ Batch 007が只今受付中です。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
oier9 oier9