Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] i. Asks the client to distinguish between trivial and significant issues, sit...

Original Texts
i. Asks the client to distinguish between trivial and significant issues, situational vs. recurring behaviors, when detecting a separation between what is being stated and what is being done
Key Skills Evaluated: 1) The coach’s ability to partner fully with the client in exploration of new and broader perspectives, learning, creating, and actions; 2) The coach’s ability to share perspectives without attachment and invitation to the client to share their own thinking, perspectives, and intuition; 3) The coach’s invitation to and acceptance of the client’s intuition, thinking, and language as critical tools in the coaching process;
Translated by reverseblade
i. 顧客に、何が述べられていて、何が行われているかを見破った際、ささいな課題と重要な課題、場面による性質と繰り返される性質を区別するよう求めなさい
審査対象の主なスキル:) 1) コーチの顧客の親身なパートナーになり、新しく、より幅の広い視野・学習・創造・行動を探究していく力。2) 自分の愛着に影響されない視野を共有し、顧客に顧客の考え・視野・直観を共有させる力。3) コーチングをしていく過程で、顧客の顧客の直観、考え、そして言語(言葉づかい)を重要な助けとしてうまく受け止める能力。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 14 hours
reverseblade reverseblade