創薬研究に関し、GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)準拠の非臨床試験、国際水準
創出に向けて 10 種類以上の治験への導出を図る
In order for Japan to create innovative medical supplies, research and development into a cure for cancer is been carried out with therapeutic medicine that has started to target molecules. The research and development is centered around obstinate and rare cancers where a peptide vaccine is used in immune therapy and has started to be used in medicines which include antibiotics, nucleic acid medicine and gene therapy medicine.There is advancement of internationally standardized clinical research and physician-led clinical trials based on non-clinical studies from the GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) for drug discovery research. In order for Japan to head towards creating an innovative cure for cancer within 5 years, more than 10 types of clinical trials will be devised.