Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] 10. AliExpress China-based AliExpress, part of the Alibaba Group, is also ma...

Original Texts
10. AliExpress

China-based AliExpress, part of the Alibaba Group, is also making waves in the Philippines. It’s part of the top 500 most visited sites in the Philippines according to Alexa’s rankings. Just recently, AliExpress restructured its platform to become a global e-commerce platform for either small businesses to buy in bulk or individual shoppers to buy single items. Now, purchases made by customers in the Philippines can be directly sent to the buyer’s home from the merchants in China.

This isn’t a definitive or scientific list, but hopefully it’s a useful resource. Feel free to suggest your favorite shopping sites – and say why exactly – in the comments.
Translated by tani1973
10. AliExpress

中国の通販サイトAliExpressはAlibaba Group会社の一部であるが、フィリピンに波紋を投じている。Alexaによるランキングでは、AliExpressは、フィリピンのアクセス数ランキングの上位500に入った。つい最近AliExpressはプラットフォームを再構築し、世界的イーコマースプラットフォームとなった。そのプラットフォームで小企業が大量購入、もしくは個人が少量の買い物ができる。現在、フィリピンで買い物した商品は中国の出店者から買い物客の住所へ直接配送される。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
tani1973 tani1973
I spare no effort to offer quality translation.
