本日、UPS Japanから電話がかかってきました。神奈川県の小田原に送るよう言っておきました。商品は無事に納品されるでしょう。あなたはAmazonで商品を高く売ることができます。
現在、私はあなたから仕入れた商品をYahoo Auctionや楽天でも販売することを検討しています。特に楽天ではよく売れるかもしれません。Amazonだけでは値崩れしやすいので、販路拡大はいい案だと思います。
I will contact you again when there are any items I want to buy from you. How much would the delivery cost if you were to send to my Japanese address?
Currently, I'm considering selling merchandise bought from you at Yahoo Auction and Rakuten as well. Things should sell well, especially at Rakuten. At Amazon, price collapse occurs easily, so expanding to other outlets would be a good idea.
Items I would like to buy from you most will be informed later. How much would the shipping cost be to deliver to my address in Japan?
Currently, I am considering to sell goods from you on Yahoo Aucion and Rakuten. I expect they may sell well especially on Rakuten. If I sell on Amazon alone, the prices may be lead lower in due course, so extending the sales channel, I think, is a good idea.
一番下、 in due course はeasily でした。