Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] “I’m supporting M and D together with these people.” (I received a message...

Original Texts



猫。今度Mの所にいくときも、再びお二人をサポートする、というのが仕事になるので、そのためには他の動物よりも猫でいる事が一番、仕事をしやすいから。毛色はサバトラのような感じを受け取りました。 MとDの元に生まれ変わりますか?



「庭にいたり、仕事をしていたり、きっと彼女が思いもよらない時に繋がれる。」と、聞こえました。(繋がろうという思いのないときにいつか必ず繋がれるから待っていて、という意味に感じられました。) Mからのメッセージです:もっと生きられたのに、私の判断が寿命を縮めてしまった。助けられなくてごめんね。大好きだよ。あなたに触れられなくてとても寂しい。あなたにもう一度触れたい。愛しているよ。

ここでKが私に伝えてくれた事は、Mはもう自分でも分かっている、自分を責める必要はない、という事。あの時がベストなタイミングだった、だからどうか受け入れてほしい、という事でした。M達のガイドとKが決めたタイミングだったそうです。「Mを愛しているから必ず戻る。待っていて。」と聞こえました。 最後にM、D、A、それぞれに伝えたいことがあったら教えてくれますか?
これはKの言葉ではなく、Kが伝えてくれたことを私の言葉で表現したものですが、Mには「私はいつでもあなたのそばにいるからね。あなたは十分輝いているよ。そのままでいいからね。」(その調子でがんばって、という意味だと思います。それから、お二人の非常に強い絆を感じました。)Dには、Dが仕事をされているような光景を受け取り「いつだって、見ているわ。そして、サポートしているわ。時々、私の事を思って瞑想して。」 (瞑想をすることで、その時に必要なメッセージやシンボルを伝えることができる、と感じました。)

KとAが、一緒に寝ている光景が映り「また一緒に寝たいな。」という感覚を受け取りました。また、Mとはよくテレパシー(あるいは潜在意識)でコンタクトを取っているように感じました。「生まれ変わったときも、Aとこういう風に寝られたらいいな」という感覚も伝わってきました。(M曰く、KとAは仲が良くなかった) フラワーレメディをおすすめしていただきましたが、レメディ自体を私はあまり知らないので、唐突な感じがしました。手に入らない方もいらっしゃるのでは?


Aとの関係については気にいりませんでしたKは誰とも仲良くしないし、他の犬猫に対して怒っていたので。。。 Client Session を電話ではなくメールのやり取りで行ったのですが、その際に十分な説明を怠ったことが原因だと思います。Evaluation No.6 に関しては、低い評価をもらうことが多々あるので、クライアントに伝えるべき事を一度文書にまとめてみようと思っています。

Translated by zhizi
“I’m supporting M and D together with these people.”

(I received a message that she would come back to them some day, since the bond between her and them was very strong.)

What would you like to be in your next life?

I want to be a cat again. I would be working again to support them, if I returned to M in my next life. I think it would be the best to be a cat instead of being a different animal, because I think it would be easier to work.
(I felt that her hair color would be similar to that of Sabatora, a mix breed named after its color similar to that of mackerel with a tiger pattern.)
Would you like to be born again to return to M and D?

“Of course.” (I sensed that there were some people supporting M and D, and they were going to make some plans for the next time when K would return to M.)

M wants to be connected with you, K. How can she do that?

I heard K say “She will probably be connected with me at unexpected occasions such as when she is in the garden or when she is at work.” (I thought K meant that M would definitely be connected with K some day when she was not thinking about it so hard, so wait for the time.)
Here are some words from M. “My decision made your life shorten, although you could have lived longer. I am sorry that I could not help you. I love you. I am so lonely, because I can’t touch you anymore. I want to touch you once again. I love you.”

What K told me at this moment was that M already realized that she did not have to blame herself. K also told me that it was the best time for K to go, and that K wanted M to accept it. K thought she was guided by M and K decided the time by herself. I heard K say, “I love M very much and I will come back. So please wait for me.”
Finally, do you have anything to say to M, D and A?
These are expressed with my own words based on what K told me.
To M, “I will always be with you. You are a very bright person. Stay as you are.” (I think she meant “keep doing what M has been doing. I also felt the strong bond between the two.) To D, with the image that D is always working, “I will always be watching you and supporting you. Meditate sometimes to think about me, please.”
(I thought they could convey some needed messages or symbols by meditating.)

With an image that K and A are sleeping together, I sensed that K wanted to say to A, “I want to sleep together with you again.” I also sensed that K and M often communicated with telepathy (or subconsciously). I also received a feeling that K would like to sleep together with A, when she was reborn. (M said that K and A did not get alone very well.)
Flower remedy was recommend to me, but I was not familiar with the remedy, so it was an unexpected proposal. I assume there are some people who can’t get it.

I appreciated it when you pointed out K’s gesture (eskimo kissing) and a wonderful beach memory. I assured that it was K.

I did not like your comment on the relationship beween K and A, because K did not get along with any other animals and she became quite upset with other dogs and cats.
I had a client session by emails instead of calling, but I think I did not explain well and it is the cause of the problem. I often receive low scores for the Evaluation No. 6, so I will try to write down what I should tell clients from the next assignment.

As a piece of advice which allows clients to communicate with deceased companion animals again, I recommended the Bach Flower Remedies, because I thought the client’s grief needs to be eased. But the client seemed to have felt uncomfortable with the remedy.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
zhizi zhizi