My apolgies for the delay. We`re backed up from the Holiday; there was no shipping Monday so everything piled up. I did make a call about the 614. I`m getting the guitar sideways from another dealer that I`ve done business w/ in the past.
They had the 614 LTD on order for quite some and it is due in any day, from what I was told. I made a call late this afternoon, they`re making a call to Taylor to find out if it had shipped yet, etc.
I`m sure they`ll get back tomorrow and we`ll have a better idea of when it`ll arrive.
そこには販売可能な614LTD が何台かあり、私が聞いたところではいつでも販売可能とのことです。今日の午後電話したところ、Taylorに電話して発送が済んだかどうかなど確認してくれるそうです。