Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] 2. Radio Frequency Technology - RF: It is referred to as a high frequency AC ...

Original Texts
2. Radio Frequency Technology - RF:
It is referred to as a high frequency AC change of electromagnetic waves.
Change of more than 10,000 times a second called high-frequency current, while the RF is such a high frequency current. When RF waves penetrate the skin, it causes collagen fiber to heat up to 45 ℃ -65 ℃, the collagen fibers immediately contract, so that the loose skin wrinkles are stretched by the stimulation of dermal collagen hyperplasia gradually promote cellular rejuvenation, so as to achieve the purpose of firming and reduce wrinkles.

4. According to the muscle texture sliding improve leg curve.
5. According to the muscle texture sliding improve leg curve.
Translated by colin777
2. 高周波技術-RF:
1秒間に10,000回以上変動するものを高周波電流と呼びますが、RFとはそのような高周波電流を指します。RFの波動が皮膚を通過すると、コラーゲン繊維は45 ℃ ~65 ℃まで加熱されて一瞬で密着し、皮膚コラーゲン過形成の促進によって徐々に細胞が若返って皮膚の皺が伸び、皮膚の引き締めと皺の減少という目的が達成できます。
4. 筋組織の滑りにより脚のラインが改善されます。
5. 筋組織の滑りにより脚のラインが改善されます。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 19 hours
colin777 colin777