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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Pocketbook is personal finance made easy, thinks it can be even better than M...

Original Texts
Pocketbook is personal finance made easy, thinks it can be even better than Mint

Pocketbook tries to simplify personal finance. This Aussie startup has been recently shortlisted into the second batch of the Optus Innov8 program.

Many of us have multiple bank accounts: our parents registered one for us when we were young, there’s another one for our university fund, and maybe another saving account which we use to register our very first credit cards. Sometimes, it can be a frustrating and painful process to get an overview of your financial position because you have too many accounts. This is where Pocketbook comes in. Founded six months ago by Bosco Tan and Alvin Singh, Pocketbook is an application which makes managing your money simple. The Sydney-based startup does this by aggregating a user’s bank accounts, credit cards, loans, rewards programs and providing a single view of their money. If you give Pocketbook access to your bank accounts, you can see where you are spending your money, look at all your bills, as well as manage your finances, all from the dashboard. Some of the features developed over the past six months also include bill alerts and predictions, analysis tools and budgeting. Although Pocketbook has only been in beta for four months, the company has recently been accepted into the second batch of the Optus Innov8 Seed Program, and is well on their well to their first 10,000 users.

“The growth rate and the great feedback from our users gives us confidence that we’re solving a worthwhile problem in a meaningful way. We’ve seen a third of our users coming back on a weekly basis to track and prune their spending and we’re not even on mobile yet! That’s coming very soon.” – co-founder Bosco Tan Of course, personal finance and budgeting tools have existed like forever. Companies like Mint has done incredibly well in this space. Pocketbook prides itself for being simple and easy to use, and is build for people with minimal accounting knowledge who does not like to take the time to manually enter the data. “We’re building Pocketbook for the average Joe, so money management can be done without much thinking. Everything we build, we think about “how can we build it ridiculously simple”. If it’s not simple, we won’t build it. Our vision for Pocketbook however is much more than just financial transaction data. We want Pocketbook to be the place to go to manage your personal spending lives, much like Facebook is for social lives and Linkedin is for professional lives.” – Bosco Excited to be part the Optus Innov8 programme

Pocketbook was recently shortlisted into the second batch of the Optus Innov8 program. Bosco told us that they are excited to be part of it.

“We think Optus and Singtel will be great partners. They have tremendous reach across the consumer and small business base in Australasia, which is highly important to where we want to be – a successful global business which changes peoples lives. If we look at the strategy outlined by Allen Lew, CEO of SingTel’s Digital L!fe Group – the cornerstone of their growth strategy is to “build digital solutions that help consumers in their daily lives – as they live, work and play”. To us, finance is so core to all of this. Securing personal finance is the freedom to get on with live, work and play, so it’s the biggest way to help every single consumer. Aside from this, we recognise that what we’re doing will inherently be mobile over time, as more and more people take up mobile banking habits. So the partnership can really be foundational for our positioning of being mobile experts.” – Bosco Being based in Australia, do you think that gives you more challenge or opportunity as a startup?

“I think given what we are building, we are in a great place to execute. Finances is highly important to Australians, we’re not great at saving as a population and asset prices (i.e. homes) are very expensive — some of the highest prices in the world. This means young Australians, particularly in big cities are starting to struggle purchasing their first home. We think we can really make a huge difference. Aside from this, we have great infrastructure in that our banking, insurance and core utilities sectors are well established with some great technology platforms for us to leverage. All of this helps give us a way to deliver our product a whole lot easier.

And the thought is, we can do some great things locally which will give us important proof points to then expand our product beyond Australia, and ultimately to Singapore, Hong Kong and the rest of the region.”
Translated by zhizi

オーストラリア発のスタートアップPocketbookは個人の金銭管理を簡単にしようとしている。同スタートアップは最近、Optus Innov8プログラムの2期生として選ばれた。

Bosco Tan氏とAlvin Singh氏によって6か月前に設立されたPocketbookは、金銭管理を簡単にするアプリケーションだ。シドニーに拠点をおく同スタートアップのサービスは、ユーザーの銀行口座、クレジットカード、ローン、特典プログラムの情報を収集し、お金の入出金の現状を一目で見れるようにするというもの。Pocketbookが自分の銀行口座にアクセスできるようにすれば、1つのダッシュボードで、お金の管理ができるだけでなく、何にお金を使っているのかが分かったり、すべての請求書を見ることもできる。ここ6か月間で構築された機能には、支払い期限の通知や、予測・分析ツール、そして予算組みなどがある。
Pocketbookのベータ版がローンチされてまだ4か月しか経っていないのだが、同社は最近、Optus Innov8 Seed Programの2期生に選ばれ、ユーザー数1万人獲得に向けて順調に進んでいる。

「ユーザー数が伸びていることとユーザーからの素晴らしいフィードバックによって、私達が意義のある方法で取り組む価値のある問題を解決しているという自信がつきます。ユーザーの3分の1が週1回の頻度で利用し、支出を追跡したり切り詰めようとしています。それから、私達はまだモバイル展開さえもしていません!ですが、まもなくモバイル向けのサービスも始めるつもりです。」ー共同設立者 Bosco Tan氏。
Optus Innov8 Programへの参加に歓喜

Pocketbookは最近、Optus Innov8 Seed Programの2期生として選ばれた。Tan氏は同プログラムに参加できることを嬉しく思うと語ってくれた。

「OptusとSingtelは素晴らしいパートナーになると思います。両社はオーストラリアの消費者と中小企業全体に幅広いリーチ力を持っています。これは私達が目指しているレベル ——つまり、人の日常生活を変える素晴らしいグローバル企業になること—— にとっては非常に重要なことです。SingTelのDigital L!fe Groupの最高経営責任者Allen Lew氏が記した戦略を見ると、彼らの成長戦略の基軸は、『消費者の暮らし・仕事・娯楽という側面において、彼らの日常生活を支援するデジタルソリューションを構築すること』とあります。
オーストラリアが拠点 ——スタートアップにとって、不利かチャンスか?

「私達が構築しているサービスを考えると、オーストラリアは相応しい国だと思います。金銭管理はオーストラリア人にとって非常に大事ですし、国民性として貯金をすることが苦手で、オーストラリアは資産価格(例:住宅)の非常に高い国です ——世界でも最も高い国の1つでしょう。つまり、若いオーストラリア人、特に大都市に住む人は、初めてのマイホームを買うのに奮闘し始めています。私達は、世の中を大きく変えられると心から信じています。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 8 hours
zhizi zhizi