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[Translation from English to Japanese ] On Choosing Startup Employment: Why I’m the Happiest I’ve Ever Been Several ...

Original Texts
On Choosing Startup Employment: Why I’m the Happiest I’ve Ever Been

Several recent life events have led me to write this article.

Suddenly landing on the cusp of graduation from a local university, employment and work have become a real issue. It’s no longer something that can be put off.

As my peers stress over interviews and landing that dream job in a big multinational, it hit upon me: why are we doing this? Is the era of ‘bigger is better’ not over? Are we not the generation that grew up with individuality? Why then, are we orientating ourselves towards massive organisations with stoic cultures? And as our team grows, you can be assured that this tent pole of our firm, and of startup life, is something we will fight to preserve. It might mean us not becoming a huge firm, but that doesn’t matter – we can each work when we want and where we want. We’re all kept happy and working at our optimum, which in turn makes for a much more productive company overall. 2. Mastery of a range of skills

Working in a startup involves a whole different set of skills from most corporate jobs. In fact, I would go so far as to say that process-driven workflow is something that most of us hate. Think about it – did you ever enjoy copying lines when you were young?

Truth be told, there is still a significant amount of process work involved in a startup job; websites need to be coded and proposals need to be written. However, the difference is that the process work doesn’t frame your job. Rather, it is the mastery of a range of skills; skills that you may already have and new skills that can be developed.
Translated by zhizi



スタートアップの仕事には、企業で行われるほとんどの仕事とは全く異なるスキルを要する。事実、極端ではあるが、私達のほとんどが企業のプロセス志向型のワークフローを嫌っていると言ってもいいだろう。考えてみて欲しい —— 若い頃、コピーの列に並ぶのを楽しんだことがあるだろうか?

Translated by jaga
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
3 days
zhizi zhizi
jaga jaga
kenny2030 kenny2030
Starter (High)