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[Translation from Japanese to English ] The Osaka Sightseeing Bureau, which was invested by Osaka prefecture, Osaka c...

Original Texts

「Asian Gate Way Osaka」のキャッチフレーズのもと、昨年213万人だった大阪府内への外国人旅行者数を平成32年までに650万人へ3倍増、経済波及効果1820億円を目指す


Translated by mydogkuro11
The Osaka Sightseeing Bureau, which was invested by Osaka prefecture, Osaka city, and a financial circle in Kansai, has been launched on April 1 and started services.

Based on a catch phrase of "Asian Gate Way Osaka", they aim threefold increasing of 2,130,000 foreign tourists to Osaka in last year to 6,500,000, and making an economical effect of ¥18,200,000,000 by 2020.

The prefecture, the city, and the economic circle each defrays ¥250,000,000 from their budgets of this fiscal year. They will integrally perform project, planning, and promotion of a sightseeing strategy by utilizing gross ¥750,000,000.

Mr. Kunio Kanou, who was an ex-member of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, has assumed the first chief of the bureau.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
mydogkuro11 mydogkuro11