日本PCO協会は3月8日、TSP太陽本社で「JAPCO技能向上研修会」を行なった。 研修会では「C(コンベンション)とE(イベント/エキシビション)のコラボレーションの可能性について考える」をテーマに、業界での経験豊富な3氏の講義と出席者が意見交換するワークショップが行なわれ、会員企業など約30人が出席した。
In the seminar,the talks of three experienced persons in this industry as well as the workshop to exchange opinions of attendees were held under the theme of "Think about the possibility of the collaboration between C(Convention) and E(Evento/Exhibition)" and about thirty people including the member companies attended.
The department chief of Management Planning Office of TSP Taiyo,Mr. Arakawa said,"We can not organize an event all by oneself. Our mission is to convert the requests of our clients into tangible forms in collaboration with the requests of our clients. "
Mr Arakawa, the section manager from TSP Solar's Administration and Planning Offices said: "This event was created not only by one company. Our job is to materialize our clients' requests, cooperating with many businesses.
"During international summits and other similar events, pre-events, exhibitions or special reception events take place".
Sakura International Osaka Headquarters, Design Planning, G3D Section Senior Chief Designer, Mr Hayashi, introduced an event opened in October last year in Intex Osaka, Sibos, the biggest inetrnational meeting of the finance business world. He explained to the attendees the state of an international event where a "business meeting" and an "exhibition" merge into one.