Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Each stage is preparing to enhance communication. Life & Society, for instanc...

Original Texts
CEATEC JAPAN実施協議会は10月1日から5日までの5日間にわたり、幕張メッセで「CEATEC JAPAN 2013」を開催することを発表し、出展者の募集を開始した。

2013年の開催テーマは“Smart Innovation-明日の暮らしと社会を創る技術力”。

展示構成は、さまざまな生活シーンをシームレスにつなぐ提案「ライフ&ソサエティ ステージ」と、世界のイノベーションを支える世界最先端の電子部品・デバイスが集結する「キーテクノロジ ステージ」の2ステージで展開する。

Translated by naokey1113
CEATEC JAPAN organizing committee announced holding "CEATEC JAPAN 2013" in Makuhari Messe for 5 days from October 1st to 5th and started recruitement of exhibitors.

The theme of CEATEC JAPAN 2013 is "Smart Innovation - Technology for Future Society and Lifestyles".

The exhibition is going to be consist of two stages: "Life & Society Stage" to propose creation of seamless lifesyles and "Key Technology Stage" made by cutting-edge electronic parts and devices which support innovaton in the world.
[deleted user]
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 8 hours
naokey1113 naokey1113