a replacement knob for the HD750 (1個)と
three Sony Battery Adapter Plates は発送してくれましたか?
I ordered 2 As but only 1 was received.
Have you shipped out a replacement knob for the HD750 (1 ea) and three Sony Battery Adapter Plates that you told me you would send on February 23 after I contacted you on February 21?
I cannot find the shipping confirmation after reviewing the past e-mails.
Please check to see if they have been shipped out.
Please make sure that you send the products above before the end of this week.
If possible, please send the new order below in the same package as well.
But there is only one A although we have ordered two of them.
Can you check if you have already shipped us a replacement knob for the HD750 (one) and
three Sony Battery Adapter Plates, that you replied me with your email dated February 22nd saying that you would ship them on the 23rd?
We have searched our past emails in the inbox but we haven't found your email regarding the shipment. Can you please check it?
Please make sure to ship the above items this week.
Also, please enclose the below new orders and ship them all together if possible.