I specialized in translating short paragraphs, short texts as well as ordinary documents ( for important documents, essays, ... please consider visiting a professional translator for better accuracy )

Contact Freelancer
990 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Vietnamese → English Japanese → English Senior English → Vietnamese English → Japanese
In most of the context, I usually use the most commonly used words in each languages so as to interpret ideas with better accuracy while maintaining the basic idea of the original texts. I do believe that while the translated text might not sound too professional like what you would expect to hear in a speech or presentation, it's much better for the readers/listeners to understand the idea of writers/speakers in its essence.
I've had the chance to work as an interpreter for a few Japanese companies a few years ago ( Japanese to VIetnamese ), as well as leading a Japanese high school during their sightseeing in Vietnam ( Japanese to English ) during my time as a high school student .
I'm mostly available during long breaks and weekends, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM JST ( GMT + 9 )
On weekdays, I might be available during night time, from 19:00 PM to 21:00 PM JST ( GMT + 9 )

medabots1996's Profile

ID Verified
Almost 6 years ago
Vietnamese (native) English Japanese
Gaming IT Business Computer Software Travel
少しの余談ですが、現在ではいくつかの高IQ集団のメンバーでもありますので、もし同じ集団に属する方が入れば声をかけてくださいね。(Magnus, Civiq, Torr, ... メンサについてはまだ受験する機会がないのでメンサンではないです)

主にスピードと正確さはもちろん、その他には文章の流れと著者の意図などを重視しています。普通の翻訳であれば利用する機会が少ないが長い文章になると、SDL TradosなどのようなCATソフトを正確さを上げるために使っております。

Currently, I'm residing in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Since I have come to Japan for 4 years, I'm used to Japanese as well as Japan's culture.
My mother tongue is Vietnamese. However, due to my family, I've been learning English since I was young and became bilingual. Though not as fluent as Japanese / English / Vietnamese, I also learned German, French and other languages as well ( However, I'm not confident in translating these languages )
After graduating from high school, due to some document complications, I couldn't go to America and instead, chose Japan for my further studies. At first, I studied at a language school, but right now, I'm currently a student at Shinshu University in Nagano Prefecture. My major is in Engineering, and to be more specific, in controlling and machine design.
My current goal is to enter The University of Tokyo's graduate program. In the future, I want to a job closely related to Medical or Agriculture.
Other than that, though it's just only a hobby, I also play the Piano. Although I only play classical music, I also listen to lots of other genres, such as Jazz, Ballad, RnB. If you are interested in music as well, maybe we could have a chit-chat, so just send me a message.
And though it's not that important, I'm also a member of some High IQ Societies, such as Magnus, Civiq, Torr, ... ( I'm not a Mensan since I still don't have time to take the official entrance tests ) so if you are a member of these societies too, make sure to give me a message as I'm sure there will be some common interest between us.

*Work Experience: 1 year
Aside from speed and accuracy, I also focus on the flow as well as the primary idea authors would like to express. While there are not many chances to use it in regular/short translations, I also use CAT Software such as SDL Trados to assist me for better accuracy.

*Translated document examples :
+Everyday E-mails / Conversations
+Company's Notices
+Papers related to Computers / IT
+User's Manual
+Travel/Business blog articles