Munakata Reisiは、青の王であり、Scepter 4のリーダーでもあります。
ですが戦いにおいてはとても強く、Kurou Yatogamiも彼には敵わないほどです。
His speech is very polite, but he has a bit of a sadistic personality.
However, in a battle he's very strong, so much so that even Yatogami Kurou is no match for him.
Stories related to him increase in the second half of the anime, and it ends without showing much about his deep past, but you can know stories related to his past from the novel released in Japan.
His speech is very polite, but his personality is a little sadistic.
Still, he's very strong in battle, to the point that Kurou Yatogami cannot even compare.
His appearances increased in the second half of the anime, but his past isn't depicted with any depth. To find out more about his past, you should read the novels which are sold in Japan.
同人誌では彼の部下であるFushimi SaruhikoやAwashima Seriとほのぼの過ごしている話が多いです
彼が刀を抜いて戦う姿はあまり少ないですが、物語の最終回ではSuoh Mikotoと対決します。
His hobby being jigsaw puzzles, he solves them in the anime as well as doujinshi.
In the book, he is depicted in an unexpected playful personality.
He's shown fighting with a sword very few times, but at the story's end, he has a showdown with Mikoto Suoh.
I'm looking forward to what activities he'll perform in the sequel.
By the way, why does he stand so close when he's talking to people?
My heart starts beating fast just by looking.
His hobby is jigsaw puzzles, and he's often shown putting them together in the anime as well as doujinshi.
In the books, he's depicted with a surprisingly mischievous personality.
He rarely draws his sword and battles, but in the last part of the tale, he faced off against Suoh Mikoto.
I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of role he'll play in the sequel.
It's a little bit of a digression, but I wonder why he gets so close when he's talking to other people?
I'm excited to see more of him.