Hello, Thank you always. I have received a bill which shows €230.25. I used the 20% off coupon, and there seems to be a mistake on that amount. I didn't get 20% off, did I? Please make sure if it is a right amount. Thank you.
Good day. Thank you, as always. I have a claim of 230,25, please. I just purchased using a coupon with a 20% discount but is the amount correct as 20% off was not taken off, I think. Kindly check, please.
Hello, The claim of €230.25 has come. However, I've used a coupon with 20% off to buy it, so is the price correct? It seems to be not deducted by 20%. Please confirm it for me. Thank you very much.
230、25ユーロとは230ユーロ25セントのことでしたでしょうか?それでしたら 「€230 and €25」の部分を「 €230.25」に訂正してください。失礼いたしました。