翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/21 18:47:29に投稿されました
I have confirmed the web site in question.
It looks like a charm. With this technology and know-how, my website could be created with efficiency. We are therefore considering placing an order with your company.
The web site I wish you to create should have all the functionality of the requested Web resource, be identical in design and possess a user-friendly interface that has a feel of “openness” to it (cf. twitter).
As for the budget, I am sure we can come to an agreement. Personlly, I was thinking about something around $1350.
I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
It looks like a charm. With this technology and know-how, my website could be created with efficiency. We are therefore considering placing an order with your company.
The web site I wish you to create should have all the functionality of the requested Web resource, be identical in design and possess a user-friendly interface that has a feel of “openness” to it (cf. twitter).
As for the budget, I am sure we can come to an agreement. Personlly, I was thinking about something around $1350.
I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/09/21 16:29:03に投稿されました
I checked the site.
It was very well put together. If you have this level of expertise, I think you will be able to make the kind of site that I require. So, I think that I would like to offer the work to you.
I would like it if you could equip my site with exactly the same functions. The design should also be the same.
I'm looking for something that looks a bit like Twitter, with an open and light design.
Do you think you'll be able to undertake it for less than 1350 dollars?
Looking forward to doing business with you.
It was very well put together. If you have this level of expertise, I think you will be able to make the kind of site that I require. So, I think that I would like to offer the work to you.
I would like it if you could equip my site with exactly the same functions. The design should also be the same.
I'm looking for something that looks a bit like Twitter, with an open and light design.
Do you think you'll be able to undertake it for less than 1350 dollars?
Looking forward to doing business with you.