それと、あなたはこのアイテムの愛好家ですか? それとも販売者ですか?
However, we were unable to find an online store selling this item at the price you told us and so we were unable to confirm the price you said. For that reason, please tell us the URL of the sales page for this item.
We apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.
Also, are you a fan of this item? Or are you a seller?
Please tell us if you know of any items that do not compete with you and aren't selling although they're in demand.
However, the online shop that sells this product at this price cannot be found, your price that you have told me cannot be confirmed. Therefore, please tell me the URL of the page if the product has good sales.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Then, are you a fan of this item or a seller?
If you are familiar with the product sale which is not in conflict with the demand, please let me know.