When it comes to the future, they 'get it', and we don't. Technically literate and intellectually elitist, Gates was and is a sign of the leaders to come. To some in Microsoft he was a mystical, almost religious figure (indeed he remains so to many, despite his departure from the business), while to others in the industry he was the Antichrist. Both views are outrageous, but underline just how powerful his influence has been. (With all the hullabaloo about alleged abuses of monopoly power, it is easy to forget that back in the 1970s, IBM, too, was the target of antitrust investigations. Yet, memory fades. Some people have come to regard Big Blue as almost saintly compared to Microsoft.
マイクロソフトと比べると、一部の人々はBig Blue[IBMを指す]をほぼ聖人のようだと考えてきた。