[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] サプライヤーでは4/29に検査を予定しており、明日までに方針(case1 or case2)を決めていただければ、 予定通り工程が進みますので、下記の(3...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 trangnhung193 さん setsuko-atarashi さん tearz さん steveforest さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 232文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 38分 です。

takatoshiによる依頼 2022/04/18 10:13:46 閲覧 1041回
残り時間: 終了

サプライヤーでは4/29に検査を予定しており、明日までに方針(case1 or case2)を決めていただければ、



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/04/18 10:57:35に投稿されました
Supplier planned to inspect in 29th April, so if you can make the decision for the plan ( case 1 or case 2) until tomorrow, then the process will be proceed as the plan, the extension of warehouse cost which is mentioned in number (3) below, will not be arisen.
Therefore, please finalize what the decision of the plan is until tomorrow.
In the case, you can't figure out the plan, the addition of warehouse cost will be included. And the cost will be claimed to your company.
To avoid that cost, please kindly contact us by tomorrow.
Any delayed delivery is the issue caused by the late returning books from your company.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/04/18 10:51:23に投稿されました
The supplier is planning to have the test on 29th, and by tomorrow, if you can decide what is planning (case1 or case 2), the precess will go as planned, and so, the payment for the warehouse will not be occurred as the following (3).

Therefore, by tomorrow, please decide what to do.
If it cannot be decided, an additional payment for the warehouse will come, and we have to ask for you to pay that too.
To avoid that, by tomorrow, please let us know.

This delay is a case as your books returning late.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/04/18 10:46:43に投稿されました
The supplyer is planning to perform the inspection on 4/29. If you could decide your decision (for case 1 or case 2) by tomorrow, the process will progress as scheduled, so the extended warehouse fee specified in the following (3) will not occur.

Therefore, please fix your decision somehow no later than tomorrow.
Without your decision, an additional warehouse fee shall occur and we have no choice but invoicing you in the end. Ino order for us to avoid it, your reply by tomorrow would be appreciated.

The delay of the lead time is an event occurred due to the delayed book return from your end.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/04/18 10:56:53に投稿されました
The inspection will take place on the 29th of April and we have described the following (3) as the work will proceed as scheduled if you decide either case 1 or case 2 by tomorrow, the extension expense will not be needed for this.
Therefore, please decide on the policy by tomorrow.
Otherwise, it may incur the extension expense of the warehouse for your additional payment. To get rid of them, please make it by tomorrow and let us know.
The delay of delivery is a result of a delay in returning the document from your side.



  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
