[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] アルヴァ・アアルトが手掛けた、丸みを帯びた“野生の実” 1950年にAlvar Aalto(アルヴァ・アアルト)が手掛けた「A338 Pendant L...

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nissyによる依頼 2021/12/21 22:48:40 閲覧 1077回
残り時間: 終了


1950年にAlvar Aalto(アルヴァ・アアルト)が手掛けた「A338 Pendant Lamp(ペンダントランプ)」。こちらは、アートコレクターのルイ・カレのために設計した「ルイ・カレ邸」で様々なアートを照らすためにデザインしたと言われています。丸みを帯びたそのフォルムは、アアルトが好んだお気に入りのベリーにちなんで「Bilberry(ビルベリー/フィンランドの野生の実)」という愛称で呼ばれています。

評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:54:36に投稿されました
Rounded "wild fruit" created by Alva Aalto

"A 338 Pendant Lamp" by Alvar Aalto in 1950. It is said that this was designed to illuminate various arts in "Louis Calle House" designed for art collector Louis Calle. The rounded shape is nicknamed "Bilberry" after Aalto's favorite berry.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:53:06に投稿されました
Rounded "wild berries" by Alvar Aalto

The A338 Pendant Lamp was created by Alvar Aalto in 1950. The lamp is said to have been designed to illuminate the various pieces of art in the Louis Carré House, which he designed for the art collector Louis Carré. The round shape of the lamp is nicknamed "Bilberry", after Aalto's favourite berry.


評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:55:29に投稿されました
The shade opens slightly diagonally, making it useful as a spotlight. In addition, there is a small gap evenly in the center, and the leaking light makes the space calm. Since there is no excessive decoration, it fits into any space. It can be displayed in various ways depending on the idea, such as subtly creating a space with one light, using multiple lights and lighting randomly. Even when the lights are turned off, its characteristic form stands out, and it can be used as an accent in the space to make your eyes happy.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/12/21 22:53:44に投稿されました
The shade has a slightly angled opening, which can be used as a spotlight. The shade is evenly distributed with a small gap in the centre, allowing the light to leak through and create a peaceful atmosphere. It can be used as a single light to create a subtle atmosphere, or as multiple lights to create a random effect. Even when the lamp is off, its characteristic form stands out as an eye-catching accent in any space.



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