[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 良い部分だけじゃなく悪い面もあったのが残念だったかな 今、日本のニュースで話題になってるのが、閉会式中にアメリカ代表の方達が葉巻?タバコ?吸ってるんだ…...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は kohashi さん teruko さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 240文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 19分 です。

otaka0706による依頼 2021/08/10 00:20:17 閲覧 1212回
残り時間: 終了





評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/08/10 00:39:01に投稿されました
Maybe It was a pity that there were not only good but also bad.

What is being talked about in Japanese media now is that the American representatives were smoking cigar? or cigarettes during the closing ceremony
... that was shocking for me as the Japanese emperor and our Prime Minister were present at that rather a holly event for us?

Perhaps the closing ceremony was rather boring having too many long speeches
But I cannot believe those going back in the middle of the event... or smoking cigars having so many representatives from many countries...

Can I ask you one question?
Do you think this common sense shared within Japanese is rather strange?
Are these rather commonly seen in the US?
kohashi- 2年以上前

Maybe It was a pity that there were not only the good but also the bad.

What is being talked about in Japanese media now is that the American representatives were smoking cigars? or cigarettes? during the closing ceremony
... that was shocking for me as this event was holly for us having Japanese emperor and our Prime Minister attended the event.

Perhaps the closing ceremony was rather boring having too many long speeches.
But I cannot believe those leaving in the middle of the event... or smoking cigars even though there were so many representatives from many countries...

Can I ask you one question?
Do you think this common sense of Japanese as the above strange?
Are these rather commonly seen in the US?
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2021/08/10 00:32:16に投稿されました
It was too bad that there were not only good parts but also bad ones.

What is being talked about in Japanese news now is that during the closing ceremony, the U.S. delegates were smoking cigars or Cigarettes... It was very shocking to us.
In the sacred closing ceremony stadium, where the Japanese emperor and even the prime minister were attending...

The closing ceremony might not be fun for the tired athletes, and the talk might have been long and boring.
But to leave in the middle of the ceremony... or to smoke a cigar in front of so many national representatives...

Can I ask you something?
Do you think our Japanese common sense is wrong?
Is this normal in America?





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