[Translation from Japanese to Portuguese (Brazil) ] もし関税がかかれば約100レアルから110レアルだと思います。 アイテムは発送から10日から15日位で着くと思います。 到着まで暫くお待ちください。

This requests contains 72 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( kmkb , yt112358 ) and was completed in 0 hours 21 minutes .

Requested by afayk604 at 22 Dec 2017 at 19:46 2133 views
Time left: Finished


Rating 50
Translation / Portuguese (Brazil)
- Posted at 22 Dec 2017 at 20:01
No caso de a tarifa seja cobrado, o valor seria cerca de 100 a 110 reais. Suponho que o ítem chegará entre 10 a 15 dias.
Gostaria de ficar aguardando até a entrega.
Rating 50
Translation / Portuguese (Brazil)
- Posted at 22 Dec 2017 at 20:08
Se houvesse imposto, acho que seria de 100 até 110 reais aproximadamente.
Depois de despacha, o item deveria chegar lá entre 10 e 15 dias mais ou menos.
Aguarde por enquanto até que chegar, por favor.


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