Almost all the works we have been working on succeeded in the US market.
The major reason is that we have been having a partnership that satisfies the 3 conditions listed below.
1. Company responding promptly and in good faith. Company we can have a partnership for a long time.
(In the past, we had a company that offered low price only in the beginning but increased the price thereafter for some reasons. We decided that we cannot have a partnership with this company and stopped business.)
2. High quality standard. Company that can offer the items whose rate of item with defect is less than 0.5 percent.
3. Company that improves and suggest an item positively.
Almost all businesses we have dealt are successful in the U.S. market.
The primary success factor is that we have collaborated with business partners satisfying three conditions listed below.
1.Companies with quick response and sincerity.
(We had terminated transactions with a company that only its initial value is reasonable and raise with various reasons added as afterthoughts. Because we consider it's impossible to build long lasting relationship.)
2.High quality standards. Companies that is able to provide the products with less than 0.5% defects ratio.
3.Companies highly motivated in aggressive product improvement and suggestion.
申し訳ございません。一文訳もれをしてしまいました。条件1のかっこの前に「Companies we can build long lasting partnership.」を追加させてください。