DHL has informed us that there was some damage to your above shipment - I am terribly sorry to learn of the troubles. If your item is damaged, we can file a claim for reimbursement for you. Please find attached the claim form you will need to fill out to begin your claim.
You will need to obtain all related documentation regarding the shipment of your package such as the airway bill, original receipts showing the purchase price of the item, and provide as many detailed photos as possible of the item and damaged packaging with your completed claim form.
Please take a photo of the outside and the inside of the box. We need to view all sides of the box, the tape, and shipping labels to help determine what may have happened.
We will file the claim for you once you have submitted the claim form and supporting documents to us. Please act on this soon as you only have 30 days since the date of shipment to file a claim with DHL - if we do not receive the necessary documents before this time, your claim will be denied.