アメリカに留学後ハワイにて本格的に料理の世界に入る。日本領事館でのパーティー料理やウェディングパーティーのケータリングのヘルプをしながら、ジャパ ニーズ・アメリカンレストランで働いているときにスカウトを受け日本に帰国する。六本木ヒルズにある、ニューヨーク・ザガットサーベイで常に1位の座に輝 くイタリアンレストラン、イル・ムリーノで研鑽を積んだ後、「朝食の女王」と称されるSarabeth'sを日本で立ち上げる。ニューヨークに渡りサラベ ス本人から研修を受け、料理長として活躍。
While I was helping to catering party held in Japanese Consulate and wedding party, I was working at Japanese American restaurant. At that time I was scouted and back to Japan.
After I devoted myself to IL MULINO in Roppongi Hills which is always No.1 Italian restaurant selected by New York Zagat survey, I opened Sarabeth's which is regarded as queen of breakfast in Japan.
I got training from Sarabeth in New York and now I'm active in as chief.
The eggs benedict, french toast, and pancakes have gained much attention, and have recently been featured in magazined and the tv. I am currently working towards becoming independent in 2015, and working on the idea to "increase smiles through cooking."
Eggs Benedict , French toast , and pancake receives the attention though magazine and also through TV appearances . We become Independent in 2015 and active in linen (to Increase the smile through the cuisine)