1. The system shall be able to log events that includes, at least, event log, audit log, security log, access log, faults and error log and all important events of the system form OS level up to application level.
2. Logging shall be able to transfer to the centralized log system (allow only authorized user can access, prevent to modify logging)
1. The encrypted method in use shall be one of following algorithm
2. The system shall support standard key exchange method e.g. Diffie-Hellman, PKI etc. for exchange the key between users or systems.
3. In case of any transaction that integrate with A’s network, they shall use the connections :
2. ロギングは統一指揮化されたログシステムに変換できます。(権限をもっているユーザーのみがアクセスでき、ロギングの修正を保護します。)