Baidu now has an eye in the sky with launch of new flight tracker app
There are 904 airplanes in Chinese airspace right now. One plane just flew near my apartment as its journey from Chengdu to Shanghai nears the end. I know that because I’m playing around with a new plane tracking app – which includes some augmented reality trickery – that came out today, made by Chinese search engine giant Baidu.
The app, called Baidu Tianyan (tianyan could be translated as “eye in the sky”), will be familiar to anyone who uses FlightAware, the app that was in the news earlier this year as people sought to understand what on earth happened to the still missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. As with FlightAware, Baidu’s new app is accompanied by a browser-based flight tracker – see here – that does away with some of the slickness of the mobile app.
While the augmented reality aspect of the Baidu Tianyan mobile app is fun (pictured top), it’s actually the least useful part. It’s probably more useful and insightful when used to track flights on a map.:
モバイルアプリBaidu Tianyanの仮想現実の活用といった面では非常に楽しい(ページトップの写真)とはいえ、現実には実用性といった点では最も低いレベルといえる。このアプリは地図上で航空機を追跡してみて初めて実用性、洞察性ともに格段に向上するものと思われる。
拡張現実の観点からいうと、Baidu Tianyanは楽しいモバイルアプリだ(上の写真参照)。しかし、実際に役に立つのは、それ以外の機能だ。地図上でフライトを追跡する機能は、より有益で洞察力に富んでいる。
You can also search by flight numbers to see if your flight is delayed. Or you could just marvel about how many sleek hunks of metal are screaming through the skies at the moment:
While it looks good and could prove useful, this only covers planes in or near Chinese airspaces, so this isn’t a global app yet.
Kaiser Kuo, Baidu’s director of international communications, explains that the new app tracks flights by their ADS-B signal (that’s the automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast system) and even tracks private aircraft. Here’s his brief demo video:
Baiduの国際コミュニケーション部門のディレクターであるKaiser Kuo氏が言うには、この新アプリは旅客機やプライベートジェットのADS-B信号を追跡することができる。以下は彼のデモ動画:
Baidu の国際コミュニケーションのディレクターであるKaiser Kuo氏によると、この新しいアプリは、ADS-B信号を使ってフライトを追跡しており、プライベートな飛行機でさえも追跡可能だ。(ADS-Bとは自動従属監視放送システムのこと)。Kaiser Kuo氏による、概要のデモビデオはこちら。
Friends in China, check out this very cool new app from Baidu, Baidu Tianyan. It just went up on the iTunes store. Watch the video then download using the QR code in comments below. Baidu Tianyan uses the ADS-B system (the Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast system—the thing that the MH370 pilot evidently turned off) to track flights. No, it can't be used by the bad guys to shoot down planes; there's an offset to prevent that.
Baidu Tianyan is available for free for iOS.
Baidu TianyanはiOS対応の無料アプリ
Baidu TianyanはiOS用に無料で使用できる。