Plus on this size of canvas they are not so heavy so shipment of about 5 of these would only run about $75.00. Some people like having it on canvas since there would be hanging hardware supplied on back so there would be no framing. You could probably even sell them for $150.00 each. Just something to think about.
I have had some amazing things start to happen for me with my work from commercial licensing to possible hotel deals with prints of my originals so I don't mind helping someone succeed in there business.
I have some really cool black and white abstracts. Very energetic. They are 17"x14" and are on Strathmore Artist paper.To me they look very cool and I can scan one of them and send you the image.
ちょっといい白黒の抽象画があります(複数)。とてもエネルギッシュな作品です。17" x 14" で、今Strathmore Artist 紙に載っています。私的にはすごくいいと思うのですが、よろしければ一点、写真をスキャンしてお送りしますよ。