Omar is played by Adam Bakri, a new actor with barely any credits who carries the film. He is open, accessible, handsome, and incredible physically, the film requiring him to run and leap and tightrope-walk his way along high walls, all of it making look like a Parkour video on Youtube. Omar is a baker, who spends his free time training for an upcoming operation against the Israelis with his two childhood friends, Tarek (Eyad Hourani) and Amjad (Samer Bisharat). They appear to be working independently of any established group.
Later, when Omar is in prison, one of the other prisoners says to him, by way of introduction, "I'm with Hamas. What group are you with?" Being part of a group gives you protection and legitimacy, but Omar is more of a street kid, doing target practice in the woods with his two pals. Their plan is to kill an Israeli soldier in a nearby garrison, an act both reckless and meaningless. But they feel powerless, and the daily humiliations they endure, the random stop-and-search, the fear, have taken its toll. They feel the need to do something to participate in the fight.