Normally, I oppose the trend of plaything-based moviemaking, especially when the results are as brain-numbingly awful as "Transformers", "G.I. Joe" and "Battleship". But if those uninspired efforts had featured not just Michelangelo the Teenage Mutant Ninja but also Michelangelo the ultimate Renaissance artist as they fight for the greater good of interlocking mankind, maybe they would have changed my mind, too.
Besides, with so many animation powerhouses settling for easy-money sequels lately (we mean you, Pixar, DreamWorks, Universal and 20th Century Fox),
Selain itu, dengan banyaknya rumah produksi animasi yang rela untuk meraih keuntungan mudah dengan membuat sekuel (Ya, yang kami maksud adalah anda, Pixar, DreamWorks, Universal dan 20th Century Fox)
Lagipula, dengan begitu banyak animasi kuat menetap untuk sekuel yang mudah meraih uang belakangan ini ( yang kami maksud kalian, Pixar, DreamWorks, Universal dan 20th Century Fox),
it is exceedingly cool that a major-studio family film refuses to simply capitalize on merchandising spinoffs by offering an oppressive 100-minute commercial.
Instead, "The Lego Movie" manages to be a smartly subversive satire about the drawbacks of conformity and following the rules while celebrating the power of imagination and individuality. It still might be a 100-minute commercial, but at least it's a highly entertaining and, most surprisingly, a thoughtful one with in-jokes that snap, crackle and zoom by at warp speed.
Sebaliknya, "The Lego Movie" berhasil menjadi sindiran cerdas subversif tentang kekurang sesuaian dan mengikuti aturan saat merayakan kekuatan imajinasi dan individualitas. Itu mungkin tetap iklan 100 menit, namun setidaknya itu sangat menghibur dan, yang paling mengejutkan, yang bijaksana dengan lelucon yang sederhana, hidup dan meningkat cepat dengan kecepatan warp.