As you have stated that you are proceeding with a new account at Union Bank in California, you may update the same bank account information and receive the payment to this bank account if it is in the list of countries supported by Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers.
Please also know that payment will not be disbursed, until you update the bank account information.
I hope this information has been of help. Assuring you of the best of our services at all times.
May you enjoy a joyous Holiday Season!
この情報がお役に立つとよいのですが。 いかなるときも、お客様に最高のサービスをお届けいたします。
訂正) ユニオン・バンク・オブ・カリフォルニア→カリフォルニアのユニオン・バンク です。 失礼いたしました。