[ロシア語から英語への翻訳依頼] Причем велосипеды становятся популярны не только в странах, где сильны традиц...

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activetestによる依頼 2013/12/04 10:27:00 閲覧 3124回
残り時間: 終了

Причем велосипеды становятся популярны не только в странах, где сильны традиции велосипедного спорта и принято ездить на велосипедах, как, например, в Голландии и Дании.
В Италии в 2012 году было продано 1,6 млн велосипедов и всего 1,4 млн автомашин.
В Милане с недавнего времени можно стало брать велосипеды напрокат, по примеру того, как это происходит в Париже и Лондоне.
По данным итальянских СМИ, в 2011 году продажи машин в Италии упали до уровня 1964 года.
В столице Испании Мадриде недавно обнародовали планы создания специальной зоны велосипедных маршрутов "зеленое кольцо", общей протяженностью 10 км.
В 2012 году автомобили обошли по продажам велосипеды только в Бельгии и Люксембурге.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/12/04 11:09:12に投稿されました
And bicycles are becoming popular not only in countries where there is a strong tradition of bicycle sports and where riding bicycles is common, such as in Holland and Denmark.
In Italy in 2012 there were 1.6 million bicycles and a total of 1.4 million automobiles.
In Milan it recently became possible to rent bicycles in the manner already established in Paris and London.
According to data from the Italian media, in 2011 auto sales fell to 1964 levels.
In the Spanish capital of Madrid, plans were recently announced to establish special bicycle routes called "green rings" with a total distance of 10 km.
In 2012 automobile sales surpassed those of bicycles only in Belgium and Luxembourg.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/12/04 11:17:53に投稿されました
Moreover, bikes are becoming popular not only in those countries with strong traditions of biking sports and where biking is socially accepted, such as the Netherlands and Denmark.
In Italy, 1.6 million bikes were sold in 2012, compared to just 1.4 million cars.
Milan recently launched a bike-rental service, similar to those in Paris and London.
According to the Italian press, the sale of automobiles in Italy in 2011 fell to 1964 car-sale levels.
Madrid, the capital of Spain, recently unveiled plans to create a special zone of bike paths -- the "green ring" -- 10 kilometers long.
In 2012, car sales bypassed bike sales only in Belgium and Luxembourg.

"Все больше людей пересаживается на велосипеды. Отчасти из-за моды, но и по экономическим причинам", - поясняет агентству Франс Пресс Педро Карвальо, редактор специализированного журнала для велосипедистов .
По данным лондонских властей, за последние 10 лет число велосипедных поездок выросло на 66% до 500 тыс. в день.
Однако в ноябре 2013 г. в автомобильных авариях в Лондоне погибли 6 велосипедистов, что вновь привлекло внимание к вопросам безопасности велосипедистов на дороге.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/12/04 11:11:15に投稿されました
"More and more people are transitioning to bikes. In part due to fashion, but also for economic reasons," Pedro Karvalo, editor of a specialized magazine for bikers, clarifies to the agency France Presse. According to data from the London government, the number of bike trips has grown by 66%, to 500 thousand a day, over the past 10 years. However, in November 2013, 6 bikers died in London in automobile accidents, which once again attracted attention to the questions of bikers' safety on the road.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/12/04 11:26:32に投稿されました
"Almost everyone has taken up going by bicycle. Partly because it's fashionable, but also for economic reasons," explains Agence France Presse's Pedro Carvalo, an editor for a specialized bicyclists' journal. According to data from London authorities, in the past 10 years the number of bicycle riders has grown by 66% to 500 thousand daily.
However, in November 2013 six bicyclists died in automobile accidents in London, which again brought attention to questions of the safety of bicyclists on the road.



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