Центральные газеты пишут о саммите стран-участниц программы ЕС "Восточное партнерство", начавшемся в Вильнюсе.
Его ключевым событием должно было стать подписание соглашения об ассоциации с Украиной, однако Киев решил приостановить евроинтеграцию.
В связи с этим "ЕС спешно подготовил дублера, призванного исполнить роль триумфатора вместо Киева", - отмечает "Коммерсант".
"Выбор пал на Молдавию, - пишет газета. - Одна из беднейших стран Европы, где тлеет замороженный приднестровский конфликт, а борьба с коррупцией и условия ведения бизнеса не раз вызывали нарекания Европы, вдруг стала образцом для подражания".
It's key event was to be the signing of an association agreement with Ukraine, but Kiev has decided to suspend the European integration.
Therefore, "The EU hastily prepared an understudy, designed to fulfill the role of a victor instead of Kiev "said "Kommersant".
"The choice fell on Moldova - says the newspaper. - One of Europe's poorest countries, where the frozen Transnistrian conflict smolders and the fight against corruption and business conditions often caused criticism in Europe, suddenly became a role model. "
The key event to happen was the signing of an association agreement with Ukraine , however Kiev has decided to suspend the European integration.
In this regard, " the EU has hastily prepared understudy , designed to fulfill the position of triumpher instead of Kiev" , - notes the "Kommersant" .
The newspaper tells : "The choice fell on Moldova - One of Europe's poorest countries , where Transnistrian conflict is still actual and the fight against corruption and business conditions often cause criticism in Europe, suddenly became a role model ."
В среду Еврокомиссия объявила, что все процедуры, связанные с переходом на безвизовый режим для граждан Молдавии, будут осуществлены не позднее весны 2014 года.
Как пояснила еврокомиссар по внутренним делам Сесилия Мальмстрем, Кишинев это заслужил выполнением плана по либерализации визового режима.
Многие эксперты, по замечанию "Коммерсанта", считают, что Молдавии следует благодарить Украину, сбившуюся с евроинтеграционного пути на финишной прямой, а также Россию, благодаря которой Киев заметался между Западом и Востоком.
"В этом успехе Кишинева есть доля России", - заявил газете директор кишиневского Центра стратегических исследований Анатол Цэрану.
As the European Commission's minister of internal affairs, Cecilia Malmstrem, clarified, Kishinev deserved this transition by fulfilling its plan of liberalizing its visa regulations.
Many experts, as the newspaper "Kommersant" notes, think that Moldova should thank Ukraine, which got derailed on the eurocentric path to a similar goal, as well as Russia, thanks to which Kiev began switching alliances between the East and the West.
"In Kishenev's success lies a bit of Russia," the director of Kishenev's Center for Strategic Analysis, Anatole Tseranu, announced to the newspaper.
As the European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström explained, Chișinău has earned this right by fulfilling the plan of liberalising the visa system.
It has been noted by the newspaper "Kommersant" that many experts think Moldova should give thanks to both Ukraine, which has come off its straight course of being intergrated into the EU, and also to Russia, thanks to which Kiev has been tossed between the West and the East.
"Russia has played a part in Chișinău's success," announced the director of the Chișinău Centre of Strategic Studies Anatol Tsentranu to the newspaper.