The market in center of Stanley, on the south side of Hong Kong Island, is just one of many reasons to visit this little seaside village. The call Stanley the "market for beginners" because there’s less haggling, it is a little less aggressive and perhaps a bit more pleasant for those feeling intimidated by the overwhelming atmosphere in Kowloon. That’s not to say you can’t get a deal, but this really is for the tourists. The good thing is their choice of souvenir shopping is bar none, so if you want something to take home, it isn’t a bad idea to look here first. Finish off your tour of Stanley with some dim sum, a visit to a temple, and a walk along the beach; it’s a Hong Kong must.
يسمي مركز ستانلي بسوق المبتدئين لقلة المساومة،ولانه اقل قساوة بقليل واكثر بهجة بقليل ايضا لمن يشعرون بالرهبة من الجو الطاحن في كولون.
ليس القصد انك لا تستطيع الحصول علي صفقة ولكنه مخصص للسياح.الشيئ الجميل بلا استثناء هو اختيارهم للهدايا. لذلك اذا اردت شيئا لتاخذه للمنزل فهي ليست بالفككرة السيئة ان تنظر هنا اولا.اكمل جولتك في ستانلي بمبلغ زهيد،قم بزيارة احد المعابد،وسر علي الشاطئ
فهذا من اساسيات زيارة هونج كونج
Sheung Wan is probably my favorite neighborhood in Hong Kong; it has that rich, urban feel that reminds me of other world capitals like New York. It’s probably the most Chinese of all the areas on the island; a walk along the zig-zag of alleyways and streets makes that perfectly clear in no time. On Cat Street there is an "antiques" market which is kind of fun to check out; here you’ll find things like old parchment scrolls, lucky coins, and miniature statues as far as the eye can see. These are not relics from centuries gone by, though – they’re (almost) all recent reproductions made in mainland China.
هذه الاشياء ليست من قرون مضت ولكن معظمها صنع حديثا في الصين في الارض الاصلية