Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Q3-3: You said that you need a base to "gather people". Does that mean it's g...

This requests contains 43 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translator : ( harryyen ) and was completed in 1 hour 52 minutes .

Requested by yaraku at 29 Oct 2013 at 16:56 1515 views
Time left: Finished


[deleted user]
Rating 64
Translation / English
- Posted at 29 Oct 2013 at 18:48
Q3-3: You said that you need a base to "gather people". Does that mean it's getting to be difficult to secure staffs?
Rating 45
Translation / English
- Posted at 29 Oct 2013 at 18:26
Q3-3:the necessary to have a base of 「assemble of human」is meaning it got more difficult to protect the human resource.
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1


Additional info

Raw Text: Q3-3:「人を集める」拠点が必要ということは、人材の確保が難しくなっているのですか?

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