[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] こんにちは 私は、日本に住んでいます。 本日、商品を受け取りました。 商品説明に新品、未使用、未開封と記載されていましたが、 外箱はボロボロで電気コー...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は tsassa さん [削除済みユーザ] さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 219文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 26分 です。

[削除済みユーザ]による依頼 2013/08/23 20:01:18 閲覧 1500回
残り時間: 終了









評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/08/23 20:18:14に投稿されました

I am living in Japan and have received the product today.

Although the product was described as new, never used and unopened, the outer box was torn up, and the steel wire fastening the electric chord was removed.

The product is definitely not an unopened item.

I planned to use it as a gift, but its condition does not fit the purpose.

As it will take time and effort to return it to the U.S., I request a 30% refund ($39).

If I do not receive a reply from you, then I will need to consult with PayPal.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
評価 54
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/08/23 20:27:40に投稿されました

I live in Japan.
I've received the item you sent today.

You said the item was new, unused and unopened.
However I saw that the item was damaged and a wire fastened electrical cord was removed.

I doubt whether this item is unopened.

I planed I would use this item for a present,but I cannot do that because of the bad condition as described above.

Please refund me 30% of the price of this item ($39),because I unwillingly take some time and money to return the item.

If you don't contact me,I'll directly consult paypal.

Please treat me well

★★★☆☆ 3.0/2
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/08/23 20:31:39に投稿されました
Good afternoon.

I am live in Japan and I received your product.

The product description stated that it was new, unused, and unopened; but the box was worn and the wire which holds the power cord in place was removed.

This product was not unopened.

I was planning on sending this as a gift, but I can't send it in this condition.

Returning this to America will take time and money, so please refund 30% ($39) to me.

If you do not contact me, I will consult with Paypal directly.

Thank you for your attention.




  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
