GREE pulls plug on Tellit, its competitor for WeChat, Line
Japanese mobile social gaming company GREE has decided to kill Tellit, its own attempt at a mobile chat app. Launched a year ago, the app was built by GREE-invested eBubby, an Amsterdam startup specializing in messaging apps.
Tellit is similar to the popular Asia chat apps like Line and WeChat with its cute stickers. According to TechinAsia, it had achieved number one status on the iOS App Store in Malaysia, Italy, and Germany for the free app category.
Tellitは、アジアでいうところのLineやWeChatのようなかわいいスタンプを使用したメッセージアプリのような存在である。TechinAsiaによると、Tellitは、マレーシアやイタリアおよびドイツのiOS App Storeが提供する無料アプリ部門において、No.1の座を獲得した。
Tellitは、そのキュートなスタンプ機能でアジアの人気チャットアプリLine及びWeChatと同様のアプリ。TechinAsiaによると、マレーシア、イタリア及びドイツのiOS App Storeにおける無料アプリ部門でNo.1の地位を獲得していた。
GREE’s statement mentions that the app was shut down despite seeing “steady usage” and having “loyal users” because the company is facing strong competition in other areas of business.
“In order to focus our efforts and succeed in a competitive environment, unfortunately sometimes we need to make difficult decisions.”
The company will delete user data 90 days after the service is suspended. That includes personal data, chat logs, and chat data associated with the app. Users can back up the data if they wish to do so.