‘There are innumerable subjects of interest, and the ideal would he to have a museum for every speciality: a museum of fine arts, of archaeology,of natural history, of industry, of science, of commerce etc. But this is not yet possible here through lack of funds. We can but glean here and there and try to house everything ill one modest museum. within the financial means at our disposal. But a heap of scattered information can be of no use unless it is coordinated. It is therefore better to start the museum very modestly. It is better to have a few sections very complete rather than to have a number of
sections assembled incoherently. New sections must be able to be added in prop-ion to the funds at Our disposal
無数の興味の対象があり,理想は,美術館,考古学博物館,自然史博物館,産業史博物館,化学博物館, 商業美術館などのあらゆる専門分野の博物館を設立することであった。