[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Mutinaをめぐる情勢はこのような具合だった。ローマでは、執政官がいない間に、Ciceroがその話術によって主導権を握った。Ciceroはたびたび集会を...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さんの 1人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 3件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2114文字

symeによる依頼 2013/02/13 23:38:59 閲覧 543回
残り時間: 終了

Such was the course of events round Mutina.At Rome,in the absence of the consuls,Cicero took the lead by public speaking.He held frequent assemblies, procured arms by inducing the armourers to work without pay, collected money, and exacted heavy contributions from the Antonians.These paid without complaining in order to avoid calumny, until Publius Ventidius, who had served under Gaius Caesar and who was a friend of Antony, unable to endure the exactions of Cicero, betook himself to Caesar's colonies, where he was well known,and brought over two legions to Antony and hastened to Rome to seize Cicero. The consternation was extreme.They removed most of the women and children in a panic.When Ventidius learned this

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/14 01:27:13に投稿されました
Mutinaをめぐる情勢はこのような具合だった。ローマでは、執政官がいない間に、Ciceroがその話術によって主導権を握った。Ciceroはたびたび集会を開き、兵器製造者を無給で働かせることによって兵器を調達し、資金を集め、Antony派に莫大な出資を要求した。Antony派は流言を避けるため、不平も言わずに出資し、ついにGaius Caesarの下で仕えていたAntonyの友人Publius VentidiusがCiceroの強制的な取り立てに我慢できなくなり、自分の名がよく知られているCaesarの領地に赴き、2レギオンをAntonyに渡し、Ciceroを捕えるためにローマに急いだ。その狼狽ぶりは大変なものだった。彼らはほとんどの女性は子供をパニックから解放した。Ventidiusはこれを知り、

he turned his course towards Antony, but being intercepted by Octavian and Hirtius, he proceeded to Picenum, where he recruited another legion and waited to see what would happen.When Pansa was drawing near with his army, Octavian and Hirtius sent Carsuleius to him with Octavian's praetorian cohort to assist him. Antony had disdained to occupy the defile as it served no other purpose than to hinder the enemy; but, eager to fight, and having no chance to win distinction with his cavalry, because the ground was marshy and cut by ditches, he placed his two best legions in ambush in the marsh, where they were concealed by the reeds and where the road, which had been thrown up artificially, was narrow.

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/14 01:39:07に投稿されました

Carsuleius and Pansa hurried through the defile by night. At daybreak, with only the Martian legion and five other cohorts, they entered upon the high road above mentioned, which was still free from enemies, and looked over the marsh on either side. There was a suspicious agitation of the rushes, then a gleam here and there of shield and helmet, and Antony's praetorian cohort suddenly shewed itself directly in their front. The Martian legion, surrounded on all sides and having no way to escape, ordered the new levies, if they came up, not to join in the fight lest they should cause confusion by their inexperience. The praetorians of Octavian confronted the praetorians of Antony.

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/14 01:49:18に投稿されました





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