Toaru Seriesには、Toaru Majutsu no Indexとそのスピンオフ作品であるToaru Kagaku no Railgunがあります。
These were originally published as light novels, but as they became popular, they were animated and made into games. For animation, INDEX had 2 seasons, Railgun had 1 season broadcasted. In 2013, second season of Railgun and its movie are expected. In INDEX, there will be a change in the main character.
These were originally published as light novels, and since it became popular it was animated and even made into a video game. In the anime, “Index” has been on air up to the second season, and “Railgun” has been on air up to the first season. In 2013, there is a plan for the second season of “Railgun” and also a movie made about it too. In “Index” the main character is going to change.
INDEXはTouma Kamijoですが、レールガンではMikoto Misakaです。
Also, in “Railgun”, Accelerator has this characteristic which is like of another main character. The relationship with the LastOrder will make you cry. I love the story between the two of them. You might gradually think that they are real family as in parent and daughter, or brother and sister.
Well, more than anything, LastOrder’s cuteness is overwhelming. Accelerator going through his self-conscience stage of puberty is great too.
Also,Accelerator is drawn as another main character in Railgun.You may cry at the relation to LastOrder.I like there story a lot.Gradually you may start thinking as if they are real father and daughter or brother and sister.
Anyway LastOrder is too cute for me.I like the part Accelerator act like 'Chu-ni-byou'
I like them both, but since in “RAILGUN” there are a lot of cute middle school students, I like it a lot. Those of you with Lolita complex, check it out.
By the way, the light novels of the original piece is still continuing. So if you like the series so much, please learn Japanese and read the original work too!
I like both,but I prefer Railgun.Because there are many cute junior high school student in Railgun.You must check,if you are Roli-con who like younger girls.
By the way,original light novel still keeps going.So please study Japanese and read original series if you really like them.