Moving on from that discussion, one thing that was interesting to hear was a comment by Paul Asel, Partner of Nokia Growth Partners China; the VC arm of Nokia. He said, compared to America, there is “significant resistance for Chinese start-ups to taking outside independent directors that can add outside value.” The role of independent directors is to add an independent perspective backed by a strong track record of experience and can help guide the company and make decisions. So if independent directors have the potential to add such great value, why is there is a difference between America and China in respect to bringing them on?
その論議から話が進み、Paul Asel 氏が述べたコメントに興味深いものがあった。同氏は、Nokia のベンチャーキャピタル部門である Nokia Growth Partners China のパートナーである。Asel 氏は、アメリカと比べて、「中国のスタートアップには社外の価値観を添えることのできる社外独立役員の受け入れに大きな抵抗感がある」と述べた。独立役員の役割は確固とした経験実績に基づき独立した考えを述べることで、企業を導き、決断を下す手助けとなる。だから、社外独立役員がそのような素晴らしい価値を添えることができるのなら、なぜ、彼らを受け入れることに関してアメリカと中国の間に違いがあるのだろうか?
I can’t proclaim to know all the reasons why, I can only speculate. Like many of my recent articles, China’s culture of low trust seems to always creep through as a major factor. Bringing on an ‘outsider’ into any organization requires a deep level of trust. You must believe that they only have the best intentions for you and your company.
In America , it seems that people will in most cases believe what you say and appear to have a strong resume or background that is impressive. For the case of independent directors, people would love to invite successful people like Google’s Ex-CEO, now Chairman, Eric Schmidt to the board or GE’s famous long serving CEO, Jack Welch who is an authority on managing people and a company. Although you may not know them personally, their background and history, usually speak for itself.
アメリカでは、大抵の場合、人は自分の言うことや、立派な履歴書や素晴らしい経歴を持っているようだと信じてくれる。社外独立役員となると、Google の元 CEO で現会長の Eric Schmidt 氏や、人材や企業管理の権威で長くGE の CEOを務める有名な Jack Welch 氏など成功している人を企業に呼びたがる。個人的には知らない人でも、彼らの経歴や実績を見れば分かるということだ。
In contrast, Chinese start-ups likely have an aversion to bringing on outside people and independent directors because they don’t truly know them. For many, it is likely to second guess their motivations for coming into the organization. Questions like, ‘What do they want?’ or ‘Will they take my idea somewhere else?’ will inevitably enter the mind. On one hand, such caution may be warranted and will potentially save the company a lot of heart ache if something wrong did happen. But from an investor perspective, whose job it is to add ‘smart money’, such resistance to bringing on very experienced and qualified directors can be frustrating.
So for Chinese start-ups that operate in a crucial time of survival of the fittest and fastest, it may be worth sacrificing a little comfort and give outside directors, the benefit of the doubt to help them. If investors are truly aligned to growing the value of the startup, it doesn’t make sense to recommend independent directors that have a detrimental effect on the company.
Yotomo Wants To Bring Real Check-in Benefits to IndonesiaFounded in April 2011, Yotomo is a location-based social network similar to Foursquare, Bouncity, or Koprol. It’s a clone but with some localized distinctions, or as the team notes, “Innovation within local context.” The co-founder and CEO of Yotomo, Wahyudi, understands that Foursquare is huge in Indonesia. I’ve come to find that there are a lot of badge chasers, checking-in multiple times just to be a mayor or to earn a particular badge. I remember I was one of those badge chasers a couple of years ago. But for me, badges just don’t provide any real benefit, except to show them off to other Foursquare addicts. And that’s a little lame.
Yotomo、インドネシアに‘本当’のチェックイン特典を提供2011年4月に設立した Yotomo は位置情報に基づいたソーシャルネットワークで、Foursquare、Bouncity、Koprol などと同じようなサービスを提供している。クローンではあるが、ローカルな特色、もしくは Yotomo チームの言う「ローカル版のイノベーション」がある。Yotomo の共同設立者兼CEOの Wahyudi 氏は、Foursquare がインドネシアで大人気であることは知っている。メイヤーになるためや特定のバッジを獲得するために、バッジを追い求め、何回もチェックインする人も多い。私自身も数年前にそのバッジを追い求めていた1人だ。だが、私にとっては、バッジを集めてもそれらを他の Foursquareファンに見せびらかす以外、実際に何の得にもならないので、少し物足りない。
Wahyudi says that it is time for Indonesians to get rewarded for their love of checking in. Yotomo uses Foursquare’s location API, and allows users to earn badges and points on Foursquare. The thing that differentiates Yotomo from other location-based services is localized execution and rewards. Folks in the U.S are able to enjoy tangible benefits because there Foursquare is there to tie up partnerships with businesses.
Wahyudi 氏はチェックイン好きのインドネシア人が恩恵を受ける時がきたと語る。Yotomo は Foursquare の位置APIを利用し、ユーザーが Foursquare のバッジやポイントを獲得できるようにしている。Yotomo が他の位置情報サービスを違うのは、インドネシアで独自のキャンペーンを行い、さらに特典を提供することだ。アメリカの利用者が実際に何かの特典を得ることができるのは、Foursquare が現地の企業とタイアップしているからだ。
Yotomo has the vision to do the same in Indonesia: To provide tangible benefits for Indonesians check-in users. So far, Yotomo has more than 8,500 active users who check-in 18,000 times each month. The figures are small but users are engaged. Despite its humble figures, Yomoto managed to strike up partnerships with brands like Samsung, XL, Puma, and Indosat over the year. Wahyudi reveals that Yotomo has helped Puma gained 5.2 million impressions on Twitter through a recent campaign. For that Puma campaign, users could also get up to 50 vouchers that gave them buy-one-get-one-free privileges on any item purchased at Puma stores.
Yotomo はインドネシアでも同じことするというビジョンを持っている。つまり、インドネシアのチェックインユーザーに実際に特典を提供することだ。今のところ、毎月18,000回チェックインをするアクティブユーザーは8,500人いる。数字は小さいが、ユーザーの活用度は高い。わずかな数字にもかからず、Yotomo はここ1年で、 Samsung、XL、Puma、そして Indosat などのブランドとタイアップすることに成功している。Wahyudi 氏は、Puma が最近のキャンペーンで Yotomo を通じ、ツイッターで520万のインプレッションを獲得したことを明らかにした。その Puma のキャンペーンでは、ユーザーは Puma ストアですべての商品に対し「1つ買うともう1つ無料でもらえる」というクーポン券を最大50枚まで獲得することができた。「Samsung Sea Games キャンペーン」でも、3人が Samsung Galaxy S2 を無料で手にした。
The Samsung Sea Games campaign also saw three winners receiving a Samsung Galaxy S2 at no cost.There is competition in the check-in space, but I like how Yotomo provides value to users by giving some real benefits for checking-in. Brands love it because it generates more foot traffic (compared to web traffic) to their stores. Yotomo was funded by three anonymous angels from Singapore and is sustaining its operations by working with brands and agency.
チェックイン事業にも競争があるが、私は Yotomo がユーザーがチェックインすることに対し何か本当の特典を与えることでユーザーにバリューを提供しているのがいいと思う。ブランドも大満足だ。(ウェブサイトへのアクセスと比べ)チェックインサービスを使えばお店に来る人が増えるからだ。Yotomo はシンガポールの無名のエンジェル投資家3人から資金を受けたが、現在はブランドや代理店と提携して事業を維持している。
EA Launches The Sims Social on Tencent’s QzoneWe told you a couple months ago about EA’s plan to bring Mo Ni Shi Guang — a.k.a. The Sims Social — to Tencent’s Qzone platform. Yesterday, those plans came to fruition when the game was officially launched in China (the English version has been available on Facebook for quite a while, but that obviously doesn’t help Chinese users much).
EAの「ザ・シムズ・ソーシャル」が Tencent の Qzone に登場数か月前、EA が Tencent(騰訊)の Qzone に「Mo Ni Shi Guang(模似時光)」− 通称「ザ・シムズ・ソーシャル」− を導入する計画についてお伝えした。昨日、その計画が実現し、同ゲームが正式に中国でローンチされた(同ゲームの英語版はFacebookでローンチされてからしばらく経っているが、中国ではファイスブックは利用できないので、そんなことは中国のユーザーにとっては役にたたない)。
In honor of the launch, and because it’s been ages since I last played a Sims game, I decided to take Mo Ni Shi Guang for a spin. To play it, you’ll need a QQ account and a Qzone account, but most users will already have these accounts and if they don’t, it only takes a few seconds to set up. Then the game opens in a browser, much like Sina Weibo’s web games.
同ゲームがローンチされたことを祝って、そして私自身も長い間このゲームで遊んでいないので、この「Mo Ni Shi Guang」でちょっと遊んでみることにした。プレイするには、QQ と Qzone のアカウントが必要だが、ほとんどのユーザーはこれらのアカウントをすでに持っているだろう。でも、もし持っていない場合でも、たったの数秒でアカウントを作れる。アカウントを作ったら、ゲームがブラウザに表示される。Sina Weibo のゲームプレイとほとんど同じような感じだ。
In terms of gameplay, it’s basically a watered-down version of the original Sims game. You create a character and then guide them through life by clicking on things in their house and neighborhood to get them to do various activities. You’ve also got to monitor various meters to make sure they don’t get too lonely, bored, hungry, sleepy, dirty, etc. You can also buy new clothes, expand your house, develop relationships with neighbors, etc.
Unfortunately, Mo Ni Shi Guang is crippled by the same sort of gameplay restrictions that make I’ve seen again and again in Chinese web games for the sake of monetization. And sure, when a game is free, you need to monetize it somehow sooner or later. But Mo Ni Shi Guang ticks all the evil monetization boxes: it is constantly harassing you to spam your friends with promotional weibo posts, it has an arbitrary “energy” limit that prevents you from doing too much at one time without spending real money, it has a confusing in-game economy that includes multiple kinds of money…ugh. And I ran into all of this within my first twenty minutes of playing.
残念ながら、「Mo Ni Shi Guang」も、これまで私が中国のウェブゲームで何度も何度も体験したように、収益化のためにゲームプレイが規制される。もちろん、無料ゲームの場合は、遅かれ早かれ何らかの方法で収益化をしなければならない。だが、「Mo Ni Shi Guang」はあらゆる手段で質の悪い収益化のためのトリックを使っている。例えば、友達にプロモーション目的のWeibo 投稿と共に迷惑メールを送るようにと困らせたりする。また、このゲームには勝手な「エネルギー」制限があって、1回のゲームでお金を使わなければ長い間プレイできないようになっている。その上、ゲーム内には複数の通貨があって分かりにくい経済システムになっている…うんざり。これらのすべてが私がプレーを始めて20分以内に起こった。
The end result was that there was not, and will never be, a second twenty minutes of playing.Still I’m not the target audience, and supposedly the game got rave reviews from Chinese gamers while it was in closed beta. Now that it’s out in the open for anyone to try, though, we’ll see what the larger community really thinks of it.
China’s Internet Population to Double US and Japan Combined by 2015So we received a really interesting research report about China digital space from Boston Consulting Group. I have gone through the report several times, and there are many breathtaking numbers. But the charts that caught my attention are the ones below. One of which estimated that by 2015, China will have nearly twice the number of internet users as U.S and Japan combined.
On China’s internet usage, entertainment and social networking (games, music, downloads, weibo, QQ) is still the number one reason why Chinese get sucked into the web. On average a Chinese internet user spends more than three hours consuming online videos. Instant messaging is also at three hours each week. In comparison, an average Chinese user spends just 1.1 hour on email each week. Weibo-ing and social networking activities accounts for 1.7 hours of an average user’s time each week. Weibo has been growing like a weed over the past few years.
BCG also conveniently segments Chinese internet users in eight different groups. So business development and marketing folks, here is some handy information to make segmenting and targeting a little easier:In summary, the internet realm in China is huge and still growing. This is, by now, a pretty cliched statement, but there’s really no other way to put it. And everyone, whether they are domestic or international players, wants a piece of the action! We encourage you to click over to BCG’s site and check out the report in its entirety to find out more.
It remains unclear what the cause of the outage was, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has yet to offer an explanation. Personally, I think it’s starting to look like maybe this really was a test of a new government “kill switch” that would allow it to quickly block access to all foreign websites and disrupt the use of VPNs that previously made it possible to circumvent China’s internet censorship system.
The fact that some small VPN providers weren’t blocked and continued to operate as usual seems to indicate that bigger VPNs were probably targeted intentionally, since a real infrastructure disconnect between China and the rest of the world would block all VPN traffic, not just traffic from more well-known VPN services.
In light of the recent upheaval in China’s leadership and the upcoming Party congress that will decide who leads the country for the next generation, it makes some sense that the government might be interested in an emergency off button in case something gets out of hand. But it now also knows that if it does block overseas sites wholesale, it will probably have to deal with significant blowback from Chinese net users, many of whom were quite upset about yesterday’s fairly short outage.
中国の指導者交代に伴う最近の動乱、そして次の指導者を決める党会議が近づいていることを考えると、国が収拾のつかない事態に落ちいった場合のために政府が緊急遮断スイッチを準備しているかもしれないことは充分に考えられる。だが、政府もまた、もし外国のサイトを大規模にブロックすれば、それこそ中国のネットユーザーの大規模な反動に対処しなければならないことは分かっている。 昨日発生した比較的短時間のネット接続障害には、多くのネットユーザーが怒りの声をあげている。