zhizi 翻訳実績

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At first, the app started out as a freemium app, they tried out a paid version but now Huy is stick with the freemium model and that has secured the majority of downloads. Users can get a premium account, which opens up more expense management features. Huy says that:

In the latest version, we rebuilt it from the ground up to integrate cloud and web features. In the future, we’re hoping to get more into family accounting, where users can connect their accounts with their loved ones to share expenses. We’re also looking to work more with payment systems or banks just like Mint does.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

I’m impressed with the simplicity and design of the app, Huy also says they’re going to continue innovating on the design and providing what users need. He’s also looking for new hires to expand the team on the mobile and web fronts, and also looking for investment for scaling, if anybody out there is interested.

We recently saw a Japanese startup do a similar thing in that nation, except that that app already connects to dozens of banks.

You can download it on iOS here and on Android here and on Windows phone here.

Check out more screenshots of the Money Lover app:


私はMoney Loverのシンプルさとデザインに驚いた。Huy氏もデザインを刷新し続け、ユーザが必要としているものを提供し続けると述べている。同氏はまた、モバイルやウェブ向けのサービスに取り組むチームを拡大するためにスタッフを採用することや、同アプリへの投資に関心のある人がいれば、サービスを成長させるための資金獲得も考えている。


Money Loverのダウンロードは、iOS版はこちら、Android版はこちら、Windows Phone版はこちらで。


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

WeiboSuite should prove an invaluable tool for China researchers and journalists who don’t speak Chinese but still want to keep track of what’s happening on China’s most happening social network. Obviously, with billions of posts, WeiboSuite hasn’t — and cannot — translate every single post into English, but it indexes and auto-translates the 1,000 most recent deleted posts, which makes it valuable for journalists who generally only need to see recent posts anyway. For example, when I searched for “Tibet,” WeiboSuite turned up an interesting post from yesterday alleging that there was a fairly major anti-government protest in Naqu Biru County in Tibet on Sunday.


WeiboSuiteは、中国語は話せないが中国で最も活発なソーシャルメディアネットワークで何が起こっているのかを追い続けたい中国研究家やジャーナリストにとっては非常に貴重なツールとなることは間違いないだろう。Sina Weiboには何十億という投稿がされるので、WeiboSuiteがすべての投稿を英語に翻訳するわけではないし、できないのは明らかだ。だが、同サービスは最も最近に削除された1000件の投稿にインデックスを付け、自動翻訳する。このことが、最新の投稿しか見る必要のないジャーナリストにとって同アプリを価値のあるものにしている。例えば、私がWeiboSuiteで「チベット」を検索したら、日曜日にチベットのナチュビル(Naqu Biru)県でかなり大きな反政府デモがあったという前日付けの興味深い投稿を表示された。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

WeiboSuite also includes an image-to-text translator that should be effective in helping journalists deal with those pesky “long weibo” posts that include long sections of text uploaded as an image to circumvent Weibo’s character limit (not to mention its keyword blocks).

Finally, WeiboSuite also comes with an image splitter. Weibo users often upload multiple photos in one long image, and while that format is convenient for Weibo it’s not great for other platforms. WeiboSuite’s image splitter helpfully breaks those images down into separate image files for each photo without the need for any editing software or tiresome cropping.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

As Line’s popularity grew, the app was spun-off in February this year into the Line Corp subsidiary. Besides facilitating chats between users, it has truly become a mobile platform incorporating different digital content including games and manga. Growing to 150 million users in less than two years hasn’t been easy. One of the reasons why Line has been able to grow so rapidly was because it has listened closely to its users’ needs. At NHN’s headquarters in Seoul, Korea, Kang Hyunbin, who is the head of business office at Line Plus Corp, told me:

I think users in Japan and the users in the world actually provide us the reason why we develop Line and what [way] to develop Line. Our users are kinda our co-founders


Lineの人気が高まり、同アプリは今年の2月にLine Corpという子会社に分離独立した。ユーザ同士のチャットを促進すること以外に、同アプリはゲームやマンガを含む異なるデジタルコンテンツを導入し真のモバイルプラットフォームとなった。2年未満でユーザ数1億5000万人の規模にまで成長するのは容易なことではなかった。Lineが急成長できた理由の1つは、同サービスがユーザのニーズに耳を澄ませたからだ。 韓国ソウルにあるNHN本社で、Line Plus Corpの事業責任者を務めるKang Hyunbin氏が次のように語ってくれた。


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Starting with Cony, Brown, Moon, and James, these characters, who each represent different personalities, have been a huge hit in Asia. In Japan, Line’s kawaii characters are broadcast on TV in cartoon form and can also be found for sale as plush toys, T-shirts, and other merchandise. Take the pictured screenshot as an example. Expressing our sincere goodbyes to friends using stickers can be that fun.

Line also has games to entertain its users. One of its more popular games, Line Pop, is popular not just in Japan but also Thailand and Taiwan. So much so that it even has tutorial videos on tips and tricks to get more points.



Lineにはユーザを楽しませるゲームもある。人気の高いゲームの1つ「Line Pop」は、日本だけでなく、タイや台湾でも人気がある。あまりにも人気があるので、ポイントを稼ぐためのアドバイスやテクニックを紹介する攻略ビデオもある。