GREE Ventures is very different from GREE in that it is looking at e-commerce, digital media, and non-gaming social applications. The gaming industry is GREE’s territory, and GREE Venture’s mission is, along with financial return on investments, seeking out the next big thing on the internet.
「GREE Venturesは、eコマース、デジタルメディア、ゲーム以外のソーシャルアプリに目を向けているという点で、 GREEとはかなり異なります。ゲーム業界はGREEの領域です。そして、GREE Venturesのミッションは、投資から収益をえることと同時に、インターネットの次の大きなトレンドを探し出すことです。」
I was a little surprised to hear that Tsutsumi lists content and communication startups as an area of interest, especially given the difficulty of monetizing digital media these days. But he points to the examples of Twitter and Facebook, noting that investing in those companies when they just started out would have certainly been a good idea. In addition to media and e-commerce, he cites online transaction and booking services as other areas of interest.
Of course, GREE Ventures will continue to be active closer to home as well, since about 40 percent of its GV1 fund will be reserved for Japan and Korea. Its portfolio already includes e-commerce search site Aucfan, catering/bento startup Star Festival, and ad platform Geniee.Also under the wing of GREE Ventures is social restaurant finder Retty, who recently raised $1.2 million from a group of investors including GV. The startup plans to use the funding to begin expansion outside of Japan, starting with the US and Singapore.
もちろん、GREE Venturesは日本近隣での活動も続けていく。GV1基金の約40%は日本と韓国市場のために確保されるからだ。同基金のポートフォリオには既に、eコマースサイトのAucfan、仕出し/お弁当を提供するスタートアップStar Festival、広告プラットフォームのGenieeが含まれている。また、GREE Venturesは傘下に、GVを含む投資グループから120万ドルを獲得した、ソーシャルレストラン検索のRettyを持つ。Rettyは、日本国外へのサービス拡大を始めるためにその資金を活用し、まずアメリカとシンガポールに進出する予定だ。
Regarding the creativity of Japanese startups and entrepreneurs, I couldn’t help but ask Tsutsumi a little bit about all the recent headlines proclaiming that Japan is suffering from an innovation/entrepreneurial crisis. He explains that in some ways, the circumstances we see today remind him of when he was younger:
Right now, I think entrepreneurs under 25 years of age have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. 20 years ago I was a student, when banks and securities companies were bankrupt – so my generation didn’t believe so much in big companies. Right now the young generation are in the same situation, as mega electronics companies are going down. Of course many students prefer big companies, but more aggressive young people prefer to try their own companies. Some people like that do their own thing.He qualifies that while it would be hard to compare what’s happening in Japan to Silicon Valley, the small ecosystem in Tokyo gives him cause for optimism.
Certainly, the growth and expansion of Japanese internet companies abroad is cause for much optimism as well. Many of the recent problems experienced by the old guard in Japanese technology can be largely attributed to an inability to find opportunities in global markets that Japan borders. And while GREE Venture’s GV1 fund is still very modest, we can expect that the lessons learned from its adventures in Southeast Asia should pay off in experience and value that its parent company can benefit from in the future.1. See a list of member profiles for GREE Ventures here, including Tatsuo Tsutumi.
日本のインターネット企業が海外で成長拡大していることも楽観材料であることは確かだ。日本のテクノロジー業界の保守的な企業が最近経験した問題の多くは、それらの企業が日本に近い海外市場でチャンスを見つけることができないというのが大きな原因かもしれない。そして、GREE VenturesのGV1基金がまだ非常に規模が小さい一方で、同社が東南アジアでの取組みで学んだ教訓は、将来親会社のメリットとなる実績と価値となって利益をもたらすことだろう。1.堤達生氏を含む、GREE Venturesのメンバープロフィールはこちらから。
Clozette then followed that up by raising a Series A round of USD 1.9M led by Seed Ventures IV in May 2012, a USD 16.4M venture fund under the Singapore National Research Foundation’s Early Stage Venture Funding Scheme managed by Walden International. Adding that to a USD 1.19M seed round, this brings the total investment to USD 3.09M.
Clozetteはその後、2012年5月にSeed Ventures IVが先導するシリーズAの資金調達で190万ドルを獲得した。Seed Ventures IVは、Walden Internationalが運営するSingapore National Research FoundationのEarly Stage Venture Funding Schemeで、1640万米ドルの投資資金規模を持つ。Clozetteは、これまでにシードラウンドで獲得した119万米ドルと合わせ、合計で309万米ドルを獲得している。
In terms of traction, Clozette had 100,000 beauty and fashion items shared by users from 100 countries as of May 2012. And in December 2011, it was attracting 85,000 unique monthly visitors.Its founder, Roger Yuen, has serious entrepreneurial and management chops. Before starting Clozette in July 2010, he started IT security company e-Cop with Eddie Chau, another established entrepreneur. He then became an angel investor and board member of Brandtology, which was acquired by Media Monitors.
トラクションに関しては、Clozetteは、2012年5月の時点で、100か国のユーザーが10万点の美容およびファッションアイテムをシェアしていた。そして、2011年12月には、8万5000人の月間ユニークビジターを惹き付けていた。設立者のRoger Yuen氏は、起業精神および運営の本格的手腕を持っている。2010年7月にClozetteを始める前は、定評のある起業家Eddie Chau氏とITセキュリティ企業のe-Copを始めている。その後、同氏はエンジェル投資家となり、Media Monitorsによって買収されたBrandtologyの取締役員にもなった。
The partnership will see Ookbee and SCOOP’s combine collection totalling 600 regional magazine titles and daily newspapers. Both platforms have a current reach of over four million devices and deliver over six million digital publications each year.In the press release, Ookbee’s CEO Natavudh Pungcharoenpong mentioned, ” Partnering together will make Ookbee/SCOOP the biggest newsstand and ebook store platform in the Southeast Asian region. I believe this will create a synergy in so many ways in order to fulfil our visions of offering the best services for our users.”
この提携により、OokbeeとSCOOPは、両社合わせて600種類の地方雑誌と日刊紙を提供することになる。現在、両プラットフォームともに400万台以上のデバイスにサービスを提供しており、毎年600万以上のデジタル出版物を配信している。プレスリリースで、Ookbee最高経営責任者のNatavudh Pungcharoenpong氏は「この提携により、OokbeeとSCOOPは東南アジア地域で最大の新聞・雑誌および電子書籍販売のプラットフォームになります。そのことが多くの面でシナジー効果を生み出し、ユーザーに最高のサービスを提供するという私達のビジョンを達成できると信じています。」と述べた。
Willson Cuaca, CEO of Apps Founder Pte Ltd, the company behind SCCOP also mentioned, “When we met early this month, we compared notes and realised that both companies are moving towards the same directions. Since Southeast Asia is made up of fragmented home markets, we both felt that join expansion via a cross-bored partnership will accelerate our growth further.”Ookbee recently raised a US$2 million round from INTOUCH, at a US$8 million valuation. They were last reported to be growing at a healthy rate of 5000 new users daily.
SCOOPを運営するApp Gounder Pte Ltdの最高経営責任者Willson Cuaca氏も、「今月私達が会った時、お互いに情報交換をし、私達が同じ方向に進んでいるということに気付きました。東南アジアは断片的な国内市場で構成されているので、私達は2人とも、国境を越える提携を通じて力を合わせて事業拡大すれば、両社の成長をさらに加速するだろうと感じました。」と語った。Ookbeeは最近、800万ドルの評価額で、INTOUCHから200万米ドルを調達した。直近の報道では、両社ともに1日あたり5000人の新規ユーザーを獲得するという良いスピードで成長しているようだ。
Why Weibo technology will change ChinaEditor’s Note: The piece originally appears on LinkedIn, we reproduced it here under Kaifu Lee’s authorization. Kaifu is the founder of Chinese incubator Innovation Works , he also served as Google and Microsoft VP.Over the past three years, “weibo” has taken China by storm. ”Weibo” literally means “micro-blog”, and some have called weibo “the Chinese Twitter”. But more accurately, weibo is a 500-character Twitter with Facebook look-and-feel, in a country with very few high-quality traditional media. Weibo is offered by several companies, with Sina having a leadership position.
Weiboのテクノロジーが中国を変える理由編集ノート:これはもともとLinkedInに掲載されたものだが、李開復氏の許可を得てTechnodeで再掲載した。李氏は、中国のインキュベーターInnovation Worksの創設者で、過去にGoogleとMicrosoftのバイスプレジデントを務めた経歴を持つ。ここ3年ほど、「Weibo」が中国を魅了している。「Weibo」の文字通りの意味は「マイクロブログ」で、なかにはWeiboを「中国のTwitter」と呼ぶ人もいる。だが、もっと正確に言えば、「質の高い伝統的なメディアがほとんどない国で利用されている、500文字の投稿ができるTwitterに、Facebookの見ためと感触を備えている」というのがWeiboだ。Weiboは数社の企業が提供していて、Sinaがリーダシップを握っている。
As a result, there are now over 300 million registered users. Weibo has become the preferred platform for product marketing, entertainer adoration, commercial fights, ideology debates, and real-time news dissemination. It is on weibo that we first heard about virtually all current events, as well as many cases of corruption and injustice. Weibo is providing an equalized and transparent platform for all citizens, and is changing China deeply and quickly. I will report on more interesting Chinese events learned through weibo via linkedin. Stay tuned.
It’s an interesting concept, fusing the best of online shopping (the speed, the lack of carrying stuff or queueing, the to-your-door deliveries) with the best of the relatively normal act of walking around a store. It therefore cuts out the tedium of making hundreds of clicks on a website or within an app to buy common foods and household items. Think of it as e-commerce but where the ‘e’ also means exercise.UK retailer Tesco in South Korea has seen success with its QR supermarkets, which boosted online sales by 130 percent.
The American retailer Walmart (NYSE:WMT) owns a 51.3 percent stake in Yihaodian, but it won’t be involved in these QR-oriented stores – or any other offline ventures by Yihaodian. That’s after China’s Ministry of Commerce made it abundantly clear that anti-monopoly laws mean that Yihaodian and Walmart will have to watch their step. It’s thought that Yihaodian might also open some non-virtual and totally conventional convenience stores in some business districts in major cities – but that wasn’t announced at today’s event.
アメリカのWalmart(NYSE:WMT)は、Yihaodianの株式を51.3%保有しているが、このQRコードを用いた事業 — もしくは、Yihaodianのその他のオフライン事業 — にはかかわらない。これは、中国の通産省が、YihaodianとWalmartは独占禁止法に気をつけなければならないと極めてはっきりと指摘したからだ。Yihaodianはバーチャルではなく全く従来通りのコンビニを主要都市のいくつかの商業地区にオープンするかもしれないとも思われているが、それは今日のイベントでは発表されなかった。
A Reader App From China Thinks It Knows What You Want to ReadOne of China’s most innovative reading apps, Wumii Reader has just upgraded its Android app to version 2.0. In contrast to many other apps that demand you add in lots of subscriptions or preferred sites – which can be quite laborious – Wumii Reader instead uses its own clever algorithm to offer up what it thinks you might want to read.One new feature that takes advantage of that is the “shake to read” that causes the Wumii app to freshen up your suggested list of relevant articles. Also new in this v2.0 beta is a reading network where you can follow and interact with other Wumii Reader users – and read some of their articles too.
中国のリーダーアプリ:ユーザーが読みたいものを知っている?中国で最も画期的なリーダーアプリの1つWumii ReaderがAndroid版アプリをバージョン2にアップグレードした。購読やお気に入りのサイトを加えるよう(この作業はかなり手間のかかることもある)要求するその他の多くのアプリとは対照的に、Wumii Readerは独自の賢いアルゴリズムを使ってユーザーが読みたいと思うようなものを表示してくれる。それを活かした新しい特徴の1つが「shake to read」で、デバイスを振ることでWumiiアプリにユーザーへ提案する関連記事リストを更新させるものだ。このバージョン2でもう1つ新しいことは、リーディング・ネットワークで、ユーザーは他のWumii Readerのユーザーをフォローしたり、交流したりでき、彼らの持っている記事を読むこともできる。
A favorites folder is also integrated into the app, plus a built-in ‘read later’ service so that you can access a particular article when you have more time to read – even if you’re offline. The app’s interface takes on a nice magazine format for all those stored articles, as if it’s rewarding you for saving up good thing to read. If you prefer to stick with third-party services like that, there’s still the option to stash things in Pocket or Instapaper – and Pocket of course also has the same superb browsing interface since its recent major revamp.
Despite its algorithms for helping you find things, you can of course still add particular sites or topics manually within the app.The startup behind Wumii has a lot of competition in this sector – everything from global players like Flipboard, to local clones like Zaker. Plus there are some good-looking alternatives from major Chinese web portals, such as Shanda’s Daguan app.Get the Wumii app for Android from its homepage. The iPhone app is not yet out.
10. 4 Ways Startups Can Leverage Employee-Owned TechThe concept of BYOD, or “Bring Your Own Device,” has gained plenty of traction as the mode du jour for budding startups. And it’s easy to see why more companies — both big and small — are willing to take the plunge: The savings involved in allowing employees to utilize their own devices for work can be staggering.
10. スタートアップが社員の所有するテクノロジーを活用する4つの方法スタートアップを成長させるために使われる今流行の手法として、BYOD(Bring your Own Device『デバイスは各自持参』)というコンセプトが大きな注目を浴びている。BYODを取り入れようとする企業(大企業も中小企業も)がなぜ増えているのかは簡単に想像がつく。社員に各自のデバイスを仕事で使うことを許せば、多額の経費節約に繋がるかもしれないからだ。
But don’t get too caught up in the savings, or you’ll expose yourself to a world of risk. What companies gain in convenience and extra cash can be lost in poor control and flimsy policy. The unknown elements that can happen with a BYOD policy have led critics to call it “Bring Your Own Disaster,” and it’s easy to see how even the best intentions can lead to a serious security breach or aggravating compatibility problems.Thinking of switching to BYOD? Here are four things to keep in mind when crafting and enforcing your policy. It’s important to note that the preferences and cultures of each company are different, so use your own needs as a guideline to developing a BYOD system that works for you.
だが、経費の節約にあまり捕われすぎない方がいい。捕われすぎると、リスクに身をさらすことになるからだ。BYODの便利さと余剰金から企業が得るものは、まずい管理やもろい制度によって消えてしまうこともある。BYOD制度に起こりうる未知の要素に、批判家はBYODを「Bring Your Own Disaster(大失敗、各自持参)」と言うようになっている。そして、最善の策と思って行ったことでも深刻なセキュリティー侵害を引き起こしたり、互換性の問題を悪化させてしまうかもしれない。BYODに乗り換えようと思ってる?それなら、そのシステムを作り、実行する時に頭に入れておくべき4項目を紹介しよう。企業によって選好や文化は異なるので、自社に効果のあるBYODシステムをつくるガイドラインとして自分自身のニーズを見ることを忘れずに。
The social invite mechanic should be native to the underlying platformThis is where Asian gaming platforms are fundamentally different. A characteristic that differentiates some Asian gaming networks like GREE (TYO:3632) and DeNA (TYO:2432) from other social gaming companies is the fact that their user acquisition and cross-promotion is built on a native gaming platform. Users often have an avatar-based gaming identity rather than their real identity. With gaming being the core function of the platform, the risk of spam gets mitigated. And since people aren’t their real selves on the platform, the propensity to mass-invite will be that much higher.